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In a grindy loot-based shooter, I would far rather pick up tons of shiny loot and find nothing that fits my playstyle/upgrades my gear, than to play for a couple of hours and only see a few scattered drops that ALSO aren't upgrades.





I completely agree with this, except broccoli is awesome and tasty and should be replaced with the worst vegetable: celery.

Stephen Shook

I personally prefer getting cookies and cookie ingredients. Eventually allowing me to bake the cookies I want more or less. What story is there I like and want more of it. I also would like better incentives for playing with leveling characters. For example let hard drop loot like Grandmaster 1 when your working with someone under level 30. I also plain want more in the store. I don't see why anybody would buy shards the store never has enough raw stuff to look at an think about getting.


If it's got chlorophyll, it's a straight hellspawn.


Ya, for how much effort they put in to push us towards their stores, with not one but *two* fleshed out characters with multiple conversation sequences, all of which somewhere in there say "buy our crap", their microtransaction store is *insanely* sparse.