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Shawn Spencer

That was my point though. Based on the number that was called out, there's clearly an enormous number of entrees. So regardless of how skilled you are, if you can't get past that 1 in a 100,000 chance of being selected, it won't matter. Since the luck is the far far greater barrier, you need a whole lot more luck than you do skill.

Shawn Spencer

Also - since other contestants are picked by luck as well, and not any sort of skill, they aren't necessarily going to be much of a challenge. You could easily end up facing 11 other people who aren't that good.


Winter-een-mas isn't about who's the "best" gamer of them all. There already exists hundreds of tournaments in all sorts of specific games with the goal of letting players train and prove their skill over competitors. The Crown Bowl doesn't need to be that. Entry is by lottery, because it's the fairest method. Its the method that gives EVERYONE an equal chance to participate. Once in the Crown Bowl, there are a bunch of different games to play for points, across multiple genres and platforms. So yeah, one of the events might be Street Fighter, and you've got one contestant who's played more Street Fighter than anyone else. He may win that one. But the next game might be Outrun, and he's never played it. So someone else wins that one. Someone might dominate all the games and STILL be eliminated by someone who gets the drop on them in the survival aspect of the arena. Once in the Crown Bowl, everyone has a chance. And the winner? They don't get a life-changing prize pool like a million dollars. They get a title for a year. And most importantly? It's fun. It's fun for the people competing, win or lose, and it's fun for the audience to watch. And THAT's the point. :)