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This one ended up long, but in the first half I discuss the current state of the CAD Patreon campaign, and some changes I'm considering making. So if you want to know what sort of things I might be changing/doing differently, check it out! Feedback always welcome!


December Patron Q&A/State of Patreon


B.J. Tomiko

Love the RPG idea. I've also always loved Chef Brian from waaaay back. The random comic here and there when he popped up was always great. I'm sad that I don't get to see Chef Brian anymore since I can't really afford to back at that high of a level (I support too many great content creators). So I guess it wouldn't affect me if you stopped the current Ask Chef Brian, but I do wonder if there's some other way to interject him occasionally in a way that all patrons can enjoy.

Martin Junginger

I am a patron BECAUSE I love starcaster, while I could not give less about chef Brian. As far as I'm concerned, putting more time into starcaster and less on chef Brian is clealry the better option. I think I remember Tim that you promised that we would see more of Starcaster before 2018 would end - I'm a bit disappointed that that did not happen...