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That's it! Starcaster issue 2 is finished!




On a scale of one to ten how much stress does doing one of these add to your life?


You mean issues of Starcaster, James? I wouldn't necessarily say they are any more stressful than anything else... each aspect of my work brings its own unique stresses. With Starcaster, obviously I have to plot out things in advance, look for opportunities to branch the story. I suppose the biggest stress is trying to draw the pages quick enough to get them to my colorist and hope she can turn them around in time to update so I don't have to post flats. But with that said (and this goes for AnD as well), there's a comfort that comes with storytelling. Once I've imagined the plot, the rest sort of falls into place. There's a cadence, a flow to it. And since I've written it out ahead of time, when I sit down to work there's no question of "what am I going to do today?" It's already decided. Compare that to doing one-shots, where I am at the mercy of what games or news are topical, and my ability to find humor in those places. I'm switching gears every other day, changing tones, characters, etc. So that can be stressful in its own right. It's enjoyable to comment on the games industry in my own way, but I could never ONLY do that. With stories the only limits are my imagination, and I can create the worlds I'm playing in and all of their rules. That's a freedom you don't get when you're just trying to make jokes about someone else's creation.


Some days I wish I could just "like" a post. I've been trolling CAD for years. Since 04 I think when I got stationed back in the states. Never gets old hearing about the process you go through Tim with your passion. I don't think I could ever call it work, otherwise I'm not sure we'd still be sitting here reading comics after 13 years.