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Wait, I thought that was just a joke somebody made. Are they really going this route now?


Well, yes and no. In fairness, I've exaggerated things for the joke. First of all, the clothing does not look like that, and it's a temporary crate that costs a couple of dollars to unlock, supposedly to test the system and also fund the prize pool for the game's first huge tournament. After which they'll remove it. They do intend to offer certain cosmetic items through crates that require a purchased key to unlock, but supposedly not until after the game is in full release.


Gotcha, that actually makes sense and is an excuse I'm okay with. We were just wondering at work if this was just a hoax and what this might bring to the game if they do it like this. Guess they have to see how it is turning out in the long run and how well players accept it. I still remember the whole payday 2 safe drill that was going on. And they had to change the system with afterwards due to the bad player backlash. But thanks a lot for the super quick clarification.

Michael Unterweger

Love the "we were wondering at work" part. Are you by any chance a software developer? :'D