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Reference if you don't follow Splatoon: http://heavy.com/games/2017/07/splatoon-2-splatfest-results-demo-global-premiere-switch/

Basically, nobody in the West likes Pearl. Pearl is just the worst.




I know my stance on cake vs pie, that's an ages-old question... but cake vs ice cream? I don't even know how to feel about that. Going to have to ponder on that one for a couple days now, thanks.

Alphones Armorman, suitperson

Not sure if Hitler/Godwins law is the way to go here, could probably replace with Cancer, and have the same effect, but its your comic.


In hindsight, with a couple of days to sit with it, I think I tried to do two ideas at the same time ("Pearl is garbage compared to Marina", and "Marina is so enticing people will side with her no matter what") and I ended up blurring both messages in an unsatisfactory way. Given the past couple of days to think about it, I've written it better in my head, but that's what happens when you're working with a deadline, I guess :)