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As promised.



I liked it, but I have to be honest, I'm very surprised the reboot is based on Analog and D-Pad rather than standard CAD. I bought both issues of Analog and D-Pad, and I liked them, very cool in an alternate universe sort of way. Like Ethan McManus: Space Archeologist. Not sure how I feel about it stepping up to be the main/only universe though. I mean, it was a good book, great even (well written, and brilliant artwork!), it's just... It feels like I ordered Chinese food, and it took ages to arrive, and when I finally opened it, they sent sweet and sour chicken instead of sweet and sour pork. It's still tasty, just, not what I spent all that wait picturing...


That's a fair opinion, Mathew. Ultimately, I found I had said all I had to say with the previous iteration of these characters. There are only so many ways I can write a "Ethan goes nuts over a game and tries to steal an early copy" story before it stops being fun for me. When exploring where I wanted to take these characters with a fresh start, I chose to revisit the Analog and D-Pad characters, because it provides me the opportunity to do everything that I want to do with my comic. Humor, action, drama, romance, character-development stuff, etc. It's all on the table here in a fun and exciting way. In the same way that sometimes Spider-man comics focus on his trials in every-day life, I still get to do the sort of stuff I did before... but now I also get to mix in a ton of new stuff that would have been previously impossible to work in.

Ethan Diliberto

I like the idea, a fresh new way to look in on Ethan and Lucas