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Christian Farfan Centeno

I really love how long you’ve made us wait for the Zeke beacon payoff. If you had resolved it quicker, we wouldn’t have as much in-depth time to let other plot points develop. It’s been so long (in real time) since Zeke has been seen that it feels so much more satisfying AND now I’m super eager to see how the “Ethan may have lost his powers” subplot interacts with “Zeke return” plot.

Christian Farfan Centeno

I wonder if we’ll get a chance to see how Zeke reacts to being told Ethan doesn’t may have lost his powers (or seeing him being paranoid about dying and figuring it out). Zeke had an antipathy towards humanity due to the whole “squishy meat bag” thing, and Ethan’s revives were in a way bridging the gap for them. If Ethan somehow throws himself in harms way after this reveal (protecting Zeke from the master perhaps?) there could be a lot of ways for Zeke to react