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Hello everyone!

Let's start the long-awaited news:

Work on the update for the first part of the game is already in development, the release of this update, scheduled for the beginning of the month, approximately March 10. The usual release date has shifted slightly due to a recent release. I plan to make this update a little more voluminous than usual, and a professional editor will be working on the English version of the text.

This update will probably be the final update for the first part of the game, but the game will only be considered " completed " when all the bugs are fixed and all the storylines are complete. I think it will take at most 2 updates and a few fixes. 

These updates and fixes will be available as described in the support levels. The first part of the game will continue to be supported until it reaches "completed" status (this is written above).

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Succubus Contract II - will become available March 7 to patrons for $10 game, will be exclusive to this support level for exactly 10 days then will become available to patrons for $5.
  • Succubus Contract II - will be released according to the usual schedule (described in the support levels), only after the next SC II update is released. I will make it, after the update for the first part of the game. That is tentatively in early April.
  • Succubus Contract II - will be available for a minimum price of $5. But just like before, this is the minimum price for the current update, the previous update as usual becomes available to the public. 
  • Succubus Contract I - will be available as before (no change in pricing or access).
  • The first part of Succubus Contract v 0.21.0 will be available to the public very soon. 

Sorry I keep writing Succubus Contract II... Succubus Contract I... My head is spinning too heh. But this is necessary for a clearer understanding. 

I may have missed something... If you still have questions, ask them here or contact me personally.

Stay tuned ;)


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