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Hello, everyone!

Happy Holidays!

I'm happy to announce that the game update will be released tonight (tomorrow for some due to time zone differences)

I have devoted a lot of time to edit this update, as it is extremely important.

Also, I needed to bring the three main storylines to an overall ending and I think you'll be amazed and intrigued at the end of the game. 

Everything worked out just fine, and I'm immensely happy about it. But more about that, I'll write a little later, to avoid spoilers.

However, now I can tell you in a little more detail about what awaits you in this update:

The continuation of the storyline with Wilson, the continuation of the storyline with Tom, the continuation of the "free MC" storyline. And most importantly... One final event that you just don't expect to see!

I'm sure you'll be amazed at the storyline climax you see! 

And if you don't experience any emotion at the end - we'll give you your money back! (just kidding, your money is in safe custody)

I'll be posting images from the upcoming update a little later. But they won't include just one event... that you owe it to yourself to see and live through!

Also, I'll be releasing a changelist.


Thank you all for sticking with me and waiting for updates!

I wish you all a great new year :)


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