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Hello everyone!

I would like to summarise the main results of the past month. All renders of the future update are ready, at the moment, I'm working on the text and the script. And also, the surprise I mentioned earlier is also almost complete. I just need to finish the rendering for the bonus scene and give the text for translation. In general, there's not much work left. The release date is on November 26. Friday seems to me to be a nice day of the week where many people can relax and dedicate their free time to the game. And I will have enough time to carry out the necessary texts, as in this update the script is very much changed. Script wizard has done a great job. 

But that you were not bored while waiting for the update, I will work you some renegades from the bonus scenes (in the bonus scenes will be a minimum of talk and a maximum of action).

In other news:

In the latest poll, almost 100 people voted, and the majority chose - "I want to see sex in equal measure!" I hasten to point out that this is an excellent choice :) And it means that we will continue on this path.

The day before the release of the update, I will release a truly impressive list of changes and innovations. Mostly the changes concern the visual part.

And also, in the last renders there is a little graining, as the video card failed to cope with the load of scenes. But I'll try to fix that.

You should be prepared to have to start a new game. But I'll write instructions on how to get to the new content as quickly as possible.

Stay tuned for more news.


Wild Bill

I would definitely advise to try and keep the requirement for new game starts to a minimum. It is usually not necessary.

Matt Gorman

I've dropped patronage when having to restart happened too far in. This point is borderline. People really need to have at least enough of an idea what to do by say the 6th release to not change things that much. Once it's about an hour worth of play time it's too far along to do that to supporters.