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Hello, everyone!

Sorry, I was away for a long time. I was tidying up my computer and looking for my saved scenes (good thing I didn't delete the Windows.old folder). Now I'm in the process of creating a banner and wallpaper.

Now, I'd like to tell you a little bit about an innovation that will affect my subscribers. I may have misspoken earlier when I said "scaling" the content. Actually, I want to add a bonus event feature for "Succubus lord" and "Experienced". These bonus events, in no way will affect the main story, overall gameplay, and character scale along with the relationship scale. 

I will now describe to you an example of such a bonus scene: Averia calls MC and invites her to a Halloween-style costume party. 

I plan to release these mini-events as separate patches. Which will need to be added to the folder with the game, I'll also attach the installation instructions to the patch. 

I want to warn you that this will not be a full-fledged addition to each game update. It also will be updated and supplemented along with the game, but not on such a scale as a regular update, about 20-30 images per update.

These bonus scenes, will be able to see "Succubus lord" and "Experienced", in the next update of the game.


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