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Hello, everyone!

It's time for a little recap. I would like to thank everyone who supports me on this page or on itch.io. Earlier I had dedicated a post to the fact that my old monitor burned out. But with your combined efforts I was able to collect the necessary amount of money for a new monitor. And now I am the proud owner of a 4k "32" UHD monitor. 

I've been using it for a while now and I can say that: Working on this monitor is a real pleasure.  At this wonderful moment, I will end my monitor's story. 

I was very surprised with how productive the previous month was. I don't know what it has to do with it, but the number of patrons has skyrocketed, which I am undoubtedly happy about. And also in general, your activity has exceeded my expectations. I have never seen so many alerts in my right hand corner above the "bell".

Thank you so much for that!  

Now on to the next topic. Not so long ago, I created a poll about the giveaway, the positive votes are still not enough to make the giveaway happen. Given that the poll is public. But we will definitely come back to this topic later.

Next topic. I gathered all the feedback on the translation and the translator and I, discussed all these nuances. In the near future, he will fully review the entire translation and fix any tricky points. And after that, of course, we'll do a new survey on this subject. The translator may not have done a very good job, but he is understandable, because this is the first time he has done this kind of text (I think you know what I mean).

So far, I haven't been able to come up with anything original for the new poster. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up. I'm devoting most of my time to creating the update. And pretty soon, I'll be posting the first images.  

I'm preparing something very interesting for you hehe.

And also, I'm thinking on topics: adding and editing benefits, voting on wallpaper choices and more... In general, this month, you can expect quite a few polls on various topics. So get ready ;)


Matt Gorman

I hope there will be more choices of male characters she can fuck and NOT futa or any fantasy type. For all devs who make slutty female MC games, they don't ALWAYS have to be black, you know...