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Hello everyone!

Everything is fine with the update, it's not exactly going according to schedule, but it's pretty normal. I'm a bit off schedule in that I have to restart my Daz after every two renders, sometimes after one. Since the memory of the video card is not enough to hold the whole scene and only after a full restart the memory space is cleared. This is due to the fact that in this update on one full-fledged scene (in the apartment) 5 characters in full sets of clothes and not simple clothes, and in themed costumes, which her more load the scene. I'm explaining this for those who haven't seen the posts with images from the update (if you haven't seen it yet I recommend checking it out 😊).

I had planned to release the update this weekend, but as you've already realized that's problematic.

However, you should be able to see it next weekend. The update is scheduled to be released on May 24-26.

At this point, 80% of the update is finished.

For those not in the know, the update is about MC's meeting with Tom's friends. And some scenes will depend on whether Tom is in a relationship with MC or maybe Tom is a cuckold. In general there will be a lot of interesting and unexpected things waiting for you.

And of course I will update the playthrough so that you don't miss anything ;)

And don't forget that very soon, the version for true fans (SC I - Remastered) will be available on May 24th for $10 and that will be its minimum price.

Stay tuned


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