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I've been considering a bunch of different things lately, as far as how Patreon works, and how successful it's been. So I'm considering switching from a per update model, to a per month for a bunch of reasons. I'm not going to do it if there are a bunch of people that have a problem with that, so I want peoples opinions and some discussion on the idea. As it stands I've only been posting one paid update a month anyways, and the pace I'm going I feel like that will likely continue to be fairly typical. I also have a hard time personally determining what is a good amount of work, especially since a lot of the work can't be seen on the surface. So just having a per month model would relieve the stress of determining when a paid update is valid or not. Another reason is at least early on, I'd gotten several people concerned about how many updates would be posted, so this would relief that stress and also create some amount of certainty as far as updates go. Patreon does payments at the end of each month regardless of whether you're a per update or per month model so it just is convenient that way. Also by doing a per month model I can set a more stable schedule. So I could say do a test build every second Saturday. I can set a certain day every two weeks that I'll stream. (Side note I know I've been TERRIBLE with streaming, but I just finished priming my office so I >should< be back in their very soon, after which I'll be doing several days in a row of streaming to try and compensate for the past two months) Again this isn't something I'm definitely doing, it's just something I'm considering for these reasons. If people have a huge problem with the change then I won't, but I'm curious about what everyone thinks. So please comment if you have any concerns, or support the idea, etc. Side note I won't change it this month, it'll be starting in August if I do. So the update you guys paid for this month, won't get double charged.



I have to agree with silverfang here, mostly because of my own financial situation ^^"


Silverfang has a point about people being more comfortable setting their donation limit higher if it's a per month payment instead of a sporadic per update payment. I'm thrilled with your work on the game so far and I'm personally flexible when it comes to the payment, so I say do what's best for you. Keep up the good work!


Thanks ^ ^ I'd originally felt more comfortable with per update because I wasn't sure how much work I could do each week since my day job is so sporadic. But with how successful things have been I feel like I can consider this almost a part time job now and can devote a lot more time to it. So now the per month makes a lot more sense.