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Finally back to doing these polls. I'm sorry for the huge delays on this. This poll is going to need some outside input, so if you want to see very specific things from me, this might be your chance.

Continue working on The Bar - This will require audience input of how I should continue it. If you have suggestions for what should happen next please through me a DM or a comment here, and if this gets selected I'll do a poll in the first week of July with a few options and I'll continue the comic in that direction. Maybe you want to see Grumpig get up on stage with Lucario, or get Toxtricity into the mix, or maybe you want things to break out into pure chaos. Now's your chance to maybe see it happen. I'll save suggestions, so if this doesn't happen this month but happens some other month your suggestions will still carry over.

Patron Art - I'll do a single fully rendered piece, same level as most of my comic cover pieces, but the content will be entirely decided by you guys. If you have a commission idea you've always wanted but never had the chance, here it is. I'll take all suggestions (retaining some veto power if it's extremely outside my comfort zone) and I'll throw them all into a poll and the winner will get done. If you have suggestions for art you'd like to see please throw your ideas at me in a DM or comment here. I'll save suggestions, so if this doesn't happen this month but happens some other month your suggestions will still carry over.

3D Game Engine - I really want to work on a horror game for Halloween (long way off, I know), but taking some time now to get all the basic movement controls, item interaction and combat ironed out would be really helpful and fun. It would also be a nice art break for a bit.

D&D Custom Rule Set - I'll take some time to finish fleshing out and prettying up the ruleset I'm using for my latest campaign and throw that up for folks to use. Most of these rules are already available so I'd mostly be adding art, throwing in a bit of lore explanation of the rules and maybe add in some maps and/or tokens.

Animation Month - I'll do a r34 looping animation, simple as that. It would be in the same vein as the Rocket loop as I keep learning Clip Studio.

Pawstitution-  I'll work on refining and redoing the Pawstitution ruleset, probably designing it for Tabletop Sim and Tabletop use because I don't have the netcoding skills to promise that, and I already promised not to work on heavy UI programming things anymore because I always fail at that.  For anyone who hasn't seen Pawstitution https://www.furaffinity.net/view/41023587/ this was an old game I had worked on in a weird mini collab with Fek. It came up in conversation recently and I've been playing it a bit and have an itch to try and flesh it out a bit more. I don't have the coding ability that Fek does so I'll just be tweaking rules for a 'physical' version, not that fancy version Fek put up.


Reed A. Saur

Pure chaos for The Bar, please


I would love to see Lucario bring Grumpig up to the stage, help train him to improve his *ahem*, "endurance". I also do love human on Pokemon action, so I hope the trainer can also get some action with the Lucario as well Truthfully as long as we get to see more Lucario I'm happy either way~