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Today was a very bad day for my computer. For a while I have had graphics card issues, games crashing and things of that nature. More recently I've been having my screens crash and go blank for brief periods. And now my computer fully locked up for some reason. I've considered upgrading my computer for a while, but never really committed to it because with covid and supply issues computers parts have been obscenely expensive and difficult to get. Unfortunately now I don't think I have much of a choice. I have a computer lined up and ready to buy so I'll be ordering that tomorrow (weather permitting). My current computer has a lot of pretty old parts, good parts, but old so if I upgrade one thing I need to upgrade a bunch of other things so it all works. The bottom line is upgrading it would be so close to buying whole new computer that I'm just going to buy a new one.

All that is to say, I need to take a break from patreon content for a bit to focus on some extra emergency commissions so I can pay for this new computer. I will get around to finishing the pictures for this month as soon as I can. But until then, patreon polls will be on hiatus. Hopefully it won't take too long. To make it up to anyone who sticks around through this, I'll be posting some older art that hasn't been posted, as well as some old alts and WIP pieces here in the next few days.

I'm very sorry for this, and I really appreciate all of you for your support. I'll do my best to keep everyone posted as things develop.


Ket Ralus

Best of luck!