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First I'm very sorry for the lack of updates this month, and I really appreciate everyones patience. I'll try to finish up the Juzo picture soon and get some WIP stuff posted as well.

What's been going on?

Around the time the world entered the Twilight Zone, me and some close friends had floated the idea of me staying with them for an extended period of time. (This is back when people were like, "Oh it'll only be a month tops") I live alone, a lot of my friends have moved, my family is here but most of the people I hang out with live elsewhere. So we'd talked about me going for an extended visit which would let me be closer to my boyfriend and just have some social interaction. Then we entered the Twilight Zone and that all went to hell.

Jump to now, I'm officially full vaccinated and now this discussion is back on the table and I've been spending a lot of time trying to get things sorted so that I can go. Trying to find either a renter for my place or someone to look after it at least. Etc. I've traveled for short periods enough times, but the logisitics of traveling for an extended period have been pretty overwhelming. A few of my options fell through and it's just been kind of chaotic trying to figure out flights, and insurance, phone plans, and getting my place in shape for me to be gone and have someone stay here.

This also left the big question of how I'd work while away, I don't trust flying with my proper set-up because something would certainly get broken. So I had to get a second laptop and tablet, all of which really added to the cost. Also adding to the cost, taxes have been a real bitch and are a constant source of stress and concern.

Finally I have some other personal stuff that's pretty heavy and I won't get into, but is a necessary step for me going on this trip. Plus some friends and family who have also had very stressful months which has just compounded everything.

TL;DR it's been a really stressful and crazy month, and I have been working on stuff constantly but it has not been a lot of R34 because I just haven't had the time.

What's happening going forward?

I'm going to go on this trip (assuming nothing goes wrong, knock on wood). As I said before I got a good laptop and a tablet for the trip so I should be able to continue to work. I won't have my full set up or anything, but it should be enough that I can do almost anything I would normally do. The plan is for me to leave late September, and stay for several months.

Because of how stressful things were this month, and the lack of real progress on anything, I'm going to skip a poll for next month, because I genuinely don't think I'll have the time or mental energy to work on things to the point I'm satisfied. To compensate somewhat, I'm going to try and continue Rule34 month into September and do what I can.

I also probably won't do a poll for October as I'm going to spend at least a little of that month just enjoying have a proper vacation, and I don't know what my set up will totally be like and I don't want to over promise. That said, I do really love doing Halloween stuff, so I might try to squeeze in an expansion to last October's project if I can now that I have some extra 3D knowledge.

In slightly more positive news

As several of you know, I'm a big nerd, so I play D&D with my friends and we do it on Twitch sometimes. Twitch streams lots of the time work with Extra Life and other charities to help raise money and our group has an Extra Life thing set up, and I'll be streaming tomorrow and maybe Sunday over on https://www.twitch.tv/anthrology to do a little board game jam thing. Extra Life is doing a full board game weekend over there, but I'll mostly just be writing and stuff, so if ya'll want to stop by, chat and hang out that would be extremely appreciated. I'll try to be on voice as much as I can, so ask me about Breath of the Wild or Outer Wilds if you want my hot takes, or Dark Souls and Hollow Knight if you want to hear me gush.

If you want to donate to Extra Life our link is https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=57960

There should be a lot of really cool streams going on tomorrow/today (god I'm so late on this post) so I highly recommend everyone check them out if you can.

Final thoughts

Last but definitely not least. Thank you all for the support, I'm very sorry for the last few months and especially this month with how off the ball I've been. Your support and patience is always appreciated and I don't take it for granted. I hope all of you are safe and healthy and continue to be wonderful to each other.

I will be back to my regularly irregularly scheduled programming as soon as I can.



I can’t speak for everyone but in my case I enjoy what you have created. Your work as a whole has opened my eyes to a lot of new things and experiences and I feel like that has put me on a road where I can actually feel comfortable about certain aspects of my life. So take whatever time you need and enjoy yourself I think its well earned.


Thank you so much Bowl! This really means a lot, and I'm really happy my art and work has helped.