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I've been feeling a little burnt out and overwhelmed lately, so this month I'm gonna try to do some chill kind of weirder things.

Start a "Complete The Monument" Map Based on Curse of Strahd
- I feel this requires some explanation. Complete the Monument maps are a brand of custom survival map for Minecraft that basically had a 'monument' where you would have to gather all 16 colours of wool and place them. You can't craft the wool but essentially anything else goes, and there would be different dungeons and areas that you could delve into to to find the wool. I've really enjoyed them in the past because they just add a bit of a goal and with new developments like command blocks people have done really cool things. I would really like to try my hand at making one, it's been on my "this would be fun to try" list for years, but I've never gotten around to it. However, with some new advancements in the 1.17 part 1 and 2 updates I think I could make a pretty cool map based on Curse of Strahd. (Replicating Curse of Strahd buildings in minecraft is kinda my thing I do when I go on a Minecraft binge)
- With that all said, this would be a huge project that would take several months to work on. This month I'd work on building out some of the dungeons and levels in a creative world. Then when the 1.17 part 2 update drops as well as mods update to it, I'd work on it again to transfer and build everything up.

Bloodbowl Like Ruleset
- I really like playing Bloodbowl with friends, but it's a terrible game that I hate. I have a lot of feelings about Bloodbowl and I think it would be fun to try and rewrite my own set of rules to try and fix some of the issues I have with it. I wouldn't be able to code a full multiplayer game version, but I would try to get a TTS mod going for it, that way I can beta test.
- For those that don't know Bloodbowl, it's turn based fantasy football with Warhammer Fantasy races, you've got orcs, and goblins, and lots of undead and that game is very fun when it's fun and very frustrating when it's not.

More Visual Novel Stuff
- I'll keep going with the XVIII visual novel, and start introducing some of the other characters. This one is pretty straightforward.

Starfox Like
- As suggested last month, I'd like to try my hand at a Starfox style rogue-like with maybe some lewd-ish elements sprinkled in. I actually have a demo of some flight controls that I did a while back, it's very bare just me messing with controls but I'll try to post that in the next day or two as an example.

Commission Month
- I'll just take a bunch of commissions and do a bunch of art for a month. As is my usual MO I'd take them one at a time and patrons would get a discount based on their tier of support. Basically just a simple art month with me streaming probably a decent amount.

Horror Game
- I love horror games, and I'd really like to try expanding on The Willow demo/thing I did last October. I'd really like to take what I learned from that and make something a bit more in depth and maybe add some FPS elements, so there's actually a threat of some kind. I do really want to do something horrored themed at some point in the next few months, in preparation for halloween, but I know it's not for everyone.


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