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So I know I've been a little MIA lately, and for that I am sorry, but I have been dealing with some mental health issues and just needed to take a moment for myself to try to get myself centered. Nothing serious, but July is always a tough time for me. This next week I will be getting my Good Place S3 and OA S2 reactions finished and beginning to be uploaded as well as getting the Secret Invasion 1x3 reaction out and Rue's Patron pick 'In Your Eyes'. I want to also announce that SUCCESSION S2 won our 2nd DFQmunity Series Poll! So this next week I'll be very busy getting this all ready for you guys, and I'll be back on YouTube very soon!




just wondering when do you think OA reactions will start again?? (also, good for you for taking a mental health break, never apologize for that! hope you're feeling better)


The edit will drop on the 26th and that's when S2 will also be fully released here on Patreon as well. I've just got a lot of work ahead of me watching that and everything else, then editing them, waiting for them to render and I can only upload 3 episodes per day with my slow internet lol So its taking a bit longer than usual but I've got a lot more work to do as well lol I am saving up for a new PC and I'm about 3/4 of the way there, so that should speed up the edit and render process SO much more! lol But thank you for that, I grew up being told to just 'man up' and not worry about it and its only recently that I've learned how important maintaining mental health can be and that its not something to be ashamed about, so I really do appreciate that, Nalyah!


Your mental health is of paramount importance. Self care is essential, completely understand where you are coming from. We'll be here Brother, and always here if you need an ear to listen.