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Hey Niels, give it to me straight, Doc! lol

So I've been feeling better today, except I've been getting physically exhausted really easily, even just writing this I have to take little breaks between words. And I was just noticing things weren't exactly tasting normal today, either. I can still taste, and smell, but its just.. off. So I said what the hell and took another test and well...as you can see in the Forbidden Lollipop- I apparently DO have COVID! So I'm probably not going to have 'The Whale' or 'The Mandalorian' up this week. As soon as I have more energy and can be more active I'll get to them, I promise! Sorry its been kind of barren, but I've gone 3 years without catching COVID and now out of nowhere I have it! Fun! lol

Who here has had COVID and how long did it last for you?

(and Niels, how common is getting COVID in your line of work?)

Stay Healthy!




Rue Surnameunimportant

Oii, that sucks. I've never had covid which is shocking since I was in a pretty high risk job when it first slammed. My bestfriend had it for a week or so, and then got it again several months later && both of my roommates tested positive, ended up hacking for weeksss. I have no clue why it just won't take interest in me. Anyway, good luck on the healing front. Drink all the water and soup.

Jeff Martens

If your plays out like mine, I have just one helpful thing to say: NyQuil. Good luck!


I've been popping Dayquil and Nyquil like M&Ms...which is ironic cause i knew I must have had covid cause I couldn't taste my M&Ms lol


be thankful cause that was the worst I've been sick in a long time and dealing with this brain fog and just physical exhaustion sucks! I've been isolating these last 3 years too, but I think it was my downstairs neighbors because I noticed they were wearing masks all of a sudden!