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I doubt it will be, I'm just testing this all out! lol


Stranger Things 4x2 PATRON CUT



I removed the video from my page, I just was too nervous leaving that there lol so I'm rendering this week's ST Patron vid now, so it should be live by midnight (just in time for the fireworks to run out, huh? lol) Sorry the other way didn't work, it would be ideal to do it that way, but I just don't know how its done! Take it easy, guys!


This support page seems to have all the details you need. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017431292-Share-my-videos-with-patrons


unfortunately it just tells me what I've already been doing, use YT or pay a premium for Vimeo or others. Maybe once I get into my final apartment (I know I know! lol but I'm on a wait list, same place, but a cheaper apartment by like HALF) I'll be able to swing it, or maybe once I reach $100 a month for Patrons I can do that too...just 13 more people haha