More Stuff done! (Patreon)
Got dragon texture swapping! That was more involved, as the dragons scales are made of six different textures. A holdover from when he was a highpoly render model.
Also finished the basic submissive dialogue. So now I can start making dialogue for random characters, with all the smutty stuff attached, and changed slightly for each character.
I've also been spending time adding sounds to the game, I have to break up my sound files and convert them into WAV, so it has been a slow process, but I have been getting through a good chunk of it.
There are a LOT of sounds for smut I still need to get through.
I have also managed fix the ability for tigermen to have different hair styles! They will no longer vanish during smut or vore anims.
I should also be able to add clothes using the same system. Though I would want the clothes to vanish during smut anims. :3
I should really set up a trello for all this.
I have been having issues with what I should do next. I think I will work on another anim for the game. Start replacing the placeholder ones with the full thing, then I can add sounds to the anims.
I really want to add a day night cycle, then I could call events on the hour, and set up daily routines for all the islands inhabitants.
But it looks like I would need to upgrade the whole project to a newer version of ue4 to get what I want out of that.
That is something I will mess with another time, when I really need it.
Anyway, that was a lot of text, if you got this far, just know I really appreciate you guys!
Thanks for helping me make this happen! :3