Quick Update (My new computer is also sick, but not to worry.) (Patreon)
My new PC is unable to render!
(Don't worry, my old one is rendering away, and the new already has parts on the way!)
It is the hard drive, its still working, but it is OLD, I kept it and used it to save money, because I had none to spare at the time. But it had been sitting for years, and was not healthy when I last replaced it with another.
So I probably should have seen this coming.
(Come to think, how old is it? I'm not sure, but I think its more then 5 years.)
But now the hard drive is just struggling so much, I will need to replace it, but I can now afford to, thanks to you lovey people.
So I have ordered the new hard drive and will get it installed as soon as possible.
Thanks for all your support!