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Fantasy Map Generator has vast amount of data that get never displayed to users. But it can be interesting, so I'm introducing a new tool that allows to visually browse cells-related data in a form of bar charts.

Data is getting retrieved using simple formulas like "plot Y by X grouped by Z". The entities that can be plotted are:

  • States
  • Cultures
  • Religions
  • Provinces
  • Biomes

Available groupings are the same. It means you can plot states grouped by culture, or states grouped by biome, etc. Or all the way around: cultures grouped by state and so on. If selected group is the same as the entity, then there will be no grouping.

The most interesting point is what kind of data can be browsed. I've tried to add all data points I can imagine being valuable, so there are 17 (!) options here: 

  • Total population
  • Urban population
  • Rural population
  • Land area
  • Number of cells
  • Number of burgs
  • Average elevation
  • Maximum mean elevation
  • Minimum mean elevation
  • Annual mean temperature
  • Mean annual maximum temperature
  • Mean annual minimum temperature
  • Annual mean precipitation
  • Mean annual maximum precipitation
  • Mean annual minimum precipitation
  • Number of coastal cells
  • Number of river cells

I hope it should be more than enough, but if not, I can try to add additional data points. Please note that some data points don't support grouping.

Sometimes it can be more convenient to get relative numbers rather than absolute. So there is an additional type on chat available: normalized bar chart.

Generally speaking, it we consider each report as a separate thing, there are about 500 different charts available. Charts can be downloaded as svg files that can be opened directly in browser (just drag the file to the browser window) or specific vector graphics editors like Inkscape.


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