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Quite a few updates got deployed today. First, now we have a detailed annual temperature information for all burgs. The info is rendered as a simple graph:

The update is prepared by Kerravitarr with me just doing refactoring and UI fixes.

Kerravitarr had analyzed the real-world climate data for about 1000 cities using ML. It resulted in a bunch of constants that allow to interpolate FMG burg temperature and latitude into detailed temperature data. Now we can say what is the average temperature in any burg at any day of the year, day or night! Looks really useful for story-building.

The system is flexible and can be further improved. For example the exercise can be done for precipitation to get an answer on the "Is it a rainy month?" question. Personally I would like to use deep data analysis to get a real-world equivalent for every burg FMG generates. And then expose these very-detailed real-world climate data to the Generator.

Another question raised today was "Why users have to load everything if only some data is actually used?". This question is not new and I was making some efforts to minimize the application size and load some scripts inflight. But as I wanted the App to be old-fashioned and work locally without need to run a server, dynamic data import was overcomplicated.

Finally I decided that it's not that hard to run a local web-server and provided an instruction on how the Tool can still be used locally. Basically you just need to install Python and run a file already added to the FMG folder.

The benefit of this new restriction is that now I can use dynamic data import in a simple manner. I have already reworked the code for Style presets, so now only the currently used preset is loaded. Also each of the presets is a separate json file now and it makes the system easier to be understood.

In the future dynamic import will allow to add much more pre-created data like style presets, textures, maps, modules and so on. Not like it was impossible before, but now it should be easier to manage.

To get a realization to the theoretical concept, I have added a new style preset: Cyberpunk based on map style by our Discord user Terraria Eyeball with Salt in it.

It's probably not what most of the users need, but still quite distinctive style that was missing before. If you didn't know, built-in Style editor is pretty rich and allows to completely change the way map look. I'm open to add more style presets to the default list. If you have ideas, please feel free to share with me.



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