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Hi everyone!

Here's an old and late one! Old tier VIP request which is super late, I hope ZackNor, who commissionedit, forgives me and that I don't disappoint with this vid.
He has been (like most of the other VIPs still waiting) very patient.

I really enjoyed making this one, which was a bit of a challenge given the scenario I received, but I hope it will also please most of you.

Here, we meet Mike, a male escort, A.K.A a gigolo, who get to meet Silvia, a rich, beautiful and very hot woman, with a very special request.

I hope you enjoy!

LINK TO VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9fvvouhms5pyar0ri99bt/TheGigoloVIPCommissionRequest.mp4?rlkey=jn4tj4k44e8o0kxr7404dne9x&st=yze9623j&dl=0




I think he will like it. Awesome work.

BuddyLike 19

It awesome,my dream come true.I like it,so much.

David Aguilar

one of my favorites...

Rayan Ali

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Rayan Ali

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Rayan Ali

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