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Disclaimer: All characters depicted in this video are fictional, at least 18 years of age, are consenting adults, and are not related in any way.

LINK TO VIDEO + DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1zijvcy6ix8vt5/DaboogieRequestBiggestFan.mp4?dl=0

Hi everyone! Damn, what a rollercoaster this commission has been! Rig problems, updates fucking everything up, finally finished it two months ago, files got corrupted, had to redo it from scratch, and work with body shapes I'm not used to... BUT HERE IT IS!

I present to you, from Daboogieman's imagination: Biggest Fan.

Thank you to him for his extremely detailed request (models + scenario!), his never-ending patience, and his support.

I will let you discover the story in the video, as this one is super story-rich, and I did my best to follow the exhaustive and elaborate scenario Daboogieman sent.

But, long story short, Cleo, an atatractive and popular girl who never lost her geeky side, is obsessed with a game director, Chester, whom she's been chasing relentlessly for ages.

I hope you enjoy, and I hope I didn't disappoint our Patron with the few liberties I took for aesthetic purposes.




Wow you went a lot on this one. Awesome work and it was very well done on the story.


Great work man! This was a work of art and the time waiting for it was worth it!