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Hey everyone!

I had a little setback while editing the upcoming video, and had to go back and re-record a portion of it.

Very sorry about that, be it would have fucked up the story and probably "broken" the immersion.

I've received some private messages and I haven't answered all of them, I apologize, I will do so in the upcoming days.

Work has been crazy, like, absolutely batshit insane, and I think the Olympic Games are going to break me in term of rhythm (for those who don't know, I'm law enforcement in France).

As a reminder, I will not be able to post anything from July 26th to August 11th.

Therefore, and I would love to get some insight in the comments about that, I am thinking of not renewing my contract next February, and commit to this full time.

It is risky, because I am definitely suffering from Imposter Syndrome, and it would mean abandonning a steady job for a volatile source of income.

I have grown extremely found of this community, and am committed to make all of you happy, creating stories to tickle fun and/or crazy fantasies, but I need to be able to make sure I will be able to make ends meet in real life.

There, just thought you should know I'm seriously considering it, which would mean a full time content creation gig.

Anyways, I really hope you're all doing great, and please, as always... Stay awesome!




Cassidy Egan

Hi Elliot, Thanks for the update and for being upfront about the challenges you're facing. I’m sure I don’t just speak for myself when I say I really appreciate all the effort you put into making sure your videos are top-notch, even if it means extra work for you. I totally get how overwhelming things must be right now, especially with the Olympic Games coming up. Balancing your law enforcement job with your content creation is no small feat. About going full-time with content creation, it's a big decision and I admire you for thinking it through. As a fellow Patreon creator, I struggle with Imposter Syndrome too, but your storytelling, especially around transsexual and transvestite characters really resonates with your community. You've built something special here. That said, here are a few things to think about: Income Stability: I'm not sure how much you're making from Patreon, but with such a niche interest, (animated tranny porn) it might be hard to grow enough to fully support yourself financially. Are you sure that putting out more content would bring in more paying patrons? Expanding Your Audience: Are there other niches you could explore to widen your audience? Diversifying your content into other erotic fiction tropes could help attract more patrons and provide a steadier income. Sustainability of The Sims: Your videos rely on animations from The Sims. Is this sustainable long-term? Maybe there are other animation engines you could use that offer more flexibility and growth potential. As a fellow Patreon creator, I know how awesome it is to have a supportive community. But quitting a steady job for the ups and downs of content creation is a big risk. You have to be certain it's a move that will keep you secure in the long run. Whatever you decide, best of luck, and as always, stay awesome! Cassidy 💕


You can work 8-12 hours a day for someone else ( police, governmen), or work 8-12 hours a day for yourself, and get every single penny's worth directly tnto your pocket. But also receiving a check or steady income from a job has it's benefit, for example you can Barrow from the bank or buy a car with steady payments.