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Hey guys, I am so sorry about posting useless updates like that, but I had promised the vid this evening, and I finished my shift way later than was planned, so the vid is still rendering right now, but I have custody duties at 7am (in 6 hours) so I need to get some sleep, The Greedy Goblin will be posted tomorrow without fail, I am so so sorry, please don't hate me :(


BuddyLike 19

It fine,what important now.Take care.


No reason to apologize. Life happens. I am always amazed and thankful that you care about us subscribers as much as you do. Many creators don't give a rat's ass about us. We get stuff when we get stuff. The attitude is "Tough Shit." To which I feel like answering: "Chew harder!" Thank you so much for not being like that. I know that all of us await "The Great Goblin" with Norman Bated Breath. May the foreskin be with you, Luke WarmWater! Onward!