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Here's some new stuff for the hot new game. So far I'm liking it, grab the new translations below and check it out if you didn't already!

Koikatsu Sunshine FAQs

  • Q: Where can I get it?
    A: You can buy it on DMM. In the future it should appear in more places (Steam release is probably coming spring next year). Watch the DMM buy/download/install guide here.
  • Q: How do I install it?
    A: Check the install guide here.
  • Q: I can't install it / I get a data cab error during install
    A: Move the install files to a folder with no Japanese characters like "D:\KKS_installer" and run the .msi file from the setup folder.
  • Q: The game breaks when going to different maps / characters are in fast forward
    A: You need to install IllusionFixes (specifically the CultureFix, check below for a link). After installing the fixes you will have to start a new save or remove all girls and re-add them.
  • Check the wiki and Koikatsu Discord server for more information.

Basic plugins ported to full version of Koikatsu Sunshine

You need BepInEx 5.4.15 for most of these to work. Make sure you download the KKS versions of the plugins, not KK. If you want to play vanilla then you only need IllusionFixes.

Collection of latest English translations

This translation package contains all latest translations that work in KKS. A lot of the translations were carried over from the trial and from KK. Big thanks to SpockBauru and GeBo for their work on translating the game!

I translated the rest (roughly 60%) through deepl and cleaned it up so main game is properly playable. Note that there are still some missing translations that will be translated on your end because the game inserts topic or character names into some lines - this will be fixed once a proper translation is done.

How to install the translations

  • Install at least BepInEx 5.4.15, AutoTranslator 4.18.1 and optionally the plugins linked above.
  • Download the translation pack attached to this post.
  • Extract the pack directly in your game directory, overwrite files when asked (Use 7zip to extract the file).

For future translation updates check the releases page on the KKS-Translation repository. 

If you wish to help translate the game, check the Koikatsu Discord #lingual-studies channel. For small changes you can just edit files on github and submit PRs, but for larger changes it's better to ask first to coordinate.



Putting in work holy


Does anyone have a full save file?


I brought it on DMM yet I can't redeem it, the site will not load for me




Thank you!!


Forget installing it, I can't even figure out how to download the thing after I've purchased it.


most faces seem to not load in properly for my charas or did i miss something?


EDIT: Nope, I was just dumb. Thanks for all your hard work Marco!


Try again later. If the purchase went through then go to your DMM library and the game should be there. Check this guide for more info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLoY5WCqTSw


Sounds like something got installed wrong or you have an old version of a head mod. If the head gets broken in H scenes then grab an updated head mod from the sunshine mod release channel on the discord server.


Not yet but CheatTools is most likely coming tomorrow. There's no real need for a full save file then.


Wow that was fast. Any chance for the HF patch to come out in the next week or so? I am too lazy (and probably too dumb) to put everything in the right place.


I've been trying for a while to figure out why the translation isn't coming through. I have everything I need downloaded and where it should be, but I can't figure out why the translations aren't working for me.


The only issue ive found is that the un-censor doesn't seem to work. If theres something specific I need to do let me know! lol


I have no issues navigating and using Google to translate my way through a purchase (done it before for HS2) but is it worth doing it for this or should I wait for the localised versions? I know it depends on "if I can wait" are these mods easy enough to install for someone to jump in and is new to all this Japanese to English stuff. HS2 was pretty easy thanks to your work of course but this looks a bit more involved?


I mean yeah it will be pretty awesome. As I don't trust myself to do this. May just give it a go anyway worse thing to happen is it messes up. Can always just re-install when patch does come out lol.


so im having issues getting these working, do i have to extract them to the plugins folder in BeplnEx? or right to the game directory

Vincent Fan

when do you think HF patch of KS will release


All plugins have the correct folder structures in their archives so extract everything directly into game directory.


An official localized version is likely to take half a year or more to appear. Current fan translation is in a pretty good state, it's definitely usable just not fully stable yet. After I release KKS HF Patch it will be as easy to install as other patches.


You are most likely missing something, either wrong version of bepinex or autotranslator extracted somewhere that isn't the main game directory.


Cheers for the reply. I have already delved in and bought it, and after a bit of a faff I had managed to install the patch and can at least play it. Sure what the people say may not make total sense sometimes because of the auto-translation but I get the jist of it at least. lol


Looking forward to an HF Patch for KKS. The thought of having the ability to once again tweak the "HScene/Studio Options" on it and Design Island Trap/Futa Characters in this Sequel amuses me already.


are you planning to release a mod for Koikatsu where you and the custom girls raise offsprings and the custom girls you make eventually grow old. (or grow up if they're hentai lolis.) to complement the pregnancy mod you made for Koiktasu?


no mods are working...


So. Running into a bit of an issue with KK importing. Using any card from KK, and it goes into import mode, I get the following: [Error : Unity Log] IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. Stack trace: void ExtensibleSaveFormat.ExtendedSave+Hooks.KKChaFileLoadFileHook(ChaFile, BlockHeader, BinaryReader) bool ChaFileControl.LoadCharaFileKoikatsu(BinaryReader, bool, bool) bool ChaFileControl.LoadCharaFileKoikatsu(Stream, bool, bool) bool ChaFileControl.LoadCharaFileKoikatsu(string, byte, bool, bool) bool ConvertChaFileScene+d__32.MoveNext() void UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) d__31:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

willy P

Bless you Marco! Thank you for all your hard work!