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Hello everyone,

As some of you have noticed, Anon has been missing in action for a few days now, and his patreon page is now gone. We don't know anything definitive at the moment, but it looks like he decided to take a step back from modding. If you're reading this Anon, I hope you're fine, feel free to call out if you need any help.

You can read more about the situation here. 



Yah, the idea of threats against modders is just insane. I mean, really, if you don't like a mod, just don't use it. I've done some modding and had to set up a handle that could not be easily traced back to me so my family would not be at risk. It doesn't take much of that to decide it's not worth it, esp if you are doing it for free.

SoloGamer 31

Most of the time these kind of people talk out of their ass, usually from my experience they never really do anything other than make threats. However that doesn't change my feelings to people like that. I run a woodshop for a living and if my clients or workers knew about some of my hobbies (like a certain game related to this page) it would not be the best look to say the least. That being said, I'll be buried in my one of my caskets before I cowtow to some pissant on the internet. Be safe everyone, and good tidings.