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Automatically adds crotch bulges to characters with fun sticks when they are wearing clothes. Can be configured globally, and per-character for when you want the bulge size to be just right. Bulges are automatically added to males as well as futa/trap characters.

If you want the effect to be more pronounced by default, go to plugin settings and bump up Default bulge size to something like 0.65. Larger sizes might cause some clothes to clip.

What's new?

v1.0.2 - Fixed errors in main game in some cases and added extra logging

v1.0.1 - Fixed not working on some game installs

How to install

  1. Make sure you have at least BepInEx 5.1 and latest KKAPI and KKABMX.
  2. Download the latest release below.
  3. Extract the archive into your game directory. The plugin .dll should end up inside your BepInEx\plugins directory.
  4. Check if there are no warnings on game startup. New settings should appear in plugin settings if you search for the plugin name. You should also see new settings in character maker under Body\Genitals tab.

Source code 



bulge keep bigger everytime when character change area and clothes. how to fix it?

Dr Despair

How do you use the bulge effect? I'm trying to enable it but it won't let me give the males a bulge. I'm even screwing around with the enabler and the slider, and nothing


It should work without you having to do anything, just open maker and it should be there. In studio you might need to turn it on from character state menu. In H scenes you need to have showing genitalia enabled for it to work. If it doesn't work then check if there are errors at startup, if not then send output_log.txt from game directory and detailed instructions how to reproduce the issue.

Dr Despair

I tried it, it seems like it only works when I scale up the genital scale in the character maker. Everything else I do doesn't work

Fun Times

This is very cool, thanks. Do you think there's a possibility of being able to display the dongers while wearing clothes where they might be visible? Swimsuits, skirts, transparent undies, etc?

Mark Haynes

I also went ahead and made sure my BepInEx, KKAPI and KKAMBX were updated. Slider doesn't seem to do anything.


I can't reproduce the issue, send me your output_log.txt. If you updated bepinex manually then the log will be moved to koikatu_data folder.