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Plugin for Koikatsu character maker that highlights areas affected by sliders when hovering over them with the mouse cursor. Based on bone highlighting proof of concept by essu.

What's new?


  • f3470dd Fixed showing geometry hidden by alpha masks and transparent textures (no longer shown, thanks to essu for shader work)
  • cc69e9e Fixed highlight not drawing over some accessories (thanks to Anon11 for reporting and help with fixing)


  • Added accessory highlighting (hover over accessory slot buttons; replaces Madevil's plugin here, kudos to him for implementing it first!)
  • Added settings to disable and change highlight color (in plugin settings)


  • Fixed interfering with some effects like makeup (was an issue only in maker)
  • Prevent potential compatibility issues with other plugins

How to use

  1. You must update to at least BepInEx v5.3, KKAPI v1.13.4 and ABMX v4.4.
  2. Download the latest release for your game.
  3. Extract the archive inside your game directory. The plugin dll file should end up inside the BepInEx/plugins folder. Overwrite if asked.
  4. Start character maker and hover over some sliders. Not all sliders will show the highlight, but most should. 

Source code

The character card in the preview picture was made by Neptune.




Hey im a little confused. so there are no English subtitles for the extras section of the game?


Is this an issue with this plugin or what exactly is the problem? The game is fully translated.


ya the game is translated fine i think its just i thought there was gonna be subtitles in the just "Have Sex" part of the game



정환 황

Just leaving a message here to say thanks a lot, Marco!


There are subtitles but they are off by default. You have to turn them on when installing hf patch or install them manually from https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins (scroll down to find them)


Oh so it's too late to go back and turn them back on? Could I just reinstall the patch and if so how would I go about turning them on?


this coming to HS2 as well?


I'll look into it, as long as I don't have to manually assign each slider then yes.