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Mod, plugin and card manager for games by Illusion. It includes an automatic mod updater.

What's new?


  • Use local timezone for log timestamps
  •  Fixed possible application freeze when searching for updates with log viewer open


  • Added author, description and website detection for installed plugins
  • Added more detailed extended (plugin) data information for cards
  • Added detection of missing zipmods when loading cards (logs into console for now, open the log window to see any mod missing warnings, seen on second screenshot)
  • Added support for EC character cards
  • Various fixes and improvements, check full changelog 

How to use

  1. Download the latest release below
  2. Either overwrite your old KK Manager installation (usually inside a "[UTILITY] KKManager" folder in your game directory),
    or extract it to a new folder anywhere outside your game directory (do not extract the manager directly anywhere in your game directory).
  3. Start KKManager.exe, create a shortcut to it if you want.
  4. If the game directory was not automatically detected, select where you installed the game.

If there are any mod updates available, the update menu button on top will turn green after a while. You can click it without waiting to check for updates immediately.

If you're a patron and have issues connecting to the update servers, or the update speed is very slow, check this post for an alternative update source.

View source code and submit bug reports/feedback 




i just downloaded 0.20.2 but the update seems to be bugging my game. i cant change any of my characters clothes or hair but everything else is working fine. i just followed the video instructions posted above to replace the files within KKManager. do you have a solution?


If you didn't update your plugins either with HF Patch or manually for a while, then updating only sideloader modpacks through KKManager can eventually cause issues since they are tested against latest plugin versions.


i get updated failed when i try turning off p2p and when i leave it on it does the same thing


Try at a later time and make sure KKManager traffic is not blocked by your firewall or ISP. Try using a VPN if you have access to one.


”KKManager v0.21.3 ” is a different game ”KKManager v0.21.3 ” can be activated multiple times to update the MOD? For example, Koikatsu’s “KKManager v0.21.3 ”Koikatsu Sunshine while doing MODUPDATE” KKManager v0.21.3 "I would like to do a MODUPDATE. ”KKManager v0.21.3 ”はポート番号を別にすれば別のゲームの”KKManager v0.21.3 ”を複数起動させてMODのUPDATEはできますか? 例えば、Koikatsu の”KKManager v0.21.3 ”MODUPDATEをしながらKoikatsu Sunshine の””KKManager v0.21.3 ”MODUPDATEをしたいと思っています。


Yes you can have different copies of KKManager running at the same time if you choose a different P2P port address for each.


I installed the v0.21.4 from Git but my client says it''s v0.20 still.


worked on retry. i think the problem is my 7zip settings, it may not have been overwriting. thanks!

Mark Lemon

The legend continues. This man is all that is man!


Hello, so I uploaded to KKManager_v0.22.1.7z, now the game and studio no longer launches. What did I do wrong... :(


Try updating mods again. If that doesn't help, ask on the discord server for your game.


Hello does this one work for schoolmate2 and older illusion games? :)


Nice work and love the expansion on the Character Cards... though, I have a question for you... Currently when looking at the character cards it will inform the player the character's personality (such as: Friendly & Gentle)... but in the expanded HS2 Parameters it shows us numbers in the Mind, Personality and Trait section... Is there a way, by chance to, have tabs, along with the sex and personality, extended data, modified and file name area which would Outline that particular character's Personality & Traits? For example, you go to the Female Tab in KKManager and it shows the character's cards and it would look like this… things in ( ) are example: Character’s name (Ana)/sex (Female)/personality (Motherly)/Trait (Patient)/Mentality (Affectionate)/Sex Trait (Loves Kisses)/Extended Data (10)/Modified (9/22/20)/File Name I ask because it would help to have KKManager running in the background which players could TAB to as they play the game (particularly if they are like me and use the Mod “ExtraGroups” and downloaded character cards that has traits already assigned to the character) they can refer to the character’s info while “romancing” them and get a better score during that event. I think that would be helpful, but not sure if it can be done.

Benjamin Donahue

So after downloading this the Manager ran a huge update. Added some good stuff but the only problem is now in the character maker I can't add accessories. It'll let me select the region to place it but the menu never open to pick the actual accessory. Has anyone else run into this or know what file I may need to remove/replace to fix it? Unfortunately character creation is one of my favorite things about this game and no accessories breaks that considerably


I am having the same problem, even after making sure BepInEx was up to date the problem is still there, was there some new update to the accessories mod?


So basically you want the information to be in tabs instead of a list? You can view and edit stats of the current character in-game with cheat tools, press Pause key and check the left window.

Fun Times

I've had 2 issues with KKManager for some time now. I still have the access denied message with the Pool Map that I mentioned a few versions ago. It won't download and prevents me from downloading the remaining maps. I've also had an issue with Material Editor shaders. It updates them then nearly all of them disappear from the list when I open MatEd on an item. The files are there, but the message in game says they don't exist. I have to go to a backup copy of the game that I keep for stuff like this and manually place them back in the folder.


If you get access denied errors then try restarting your system. If it still happens, go to Tools menu and run the permission fix (you might need to restart again after this if something locks the files).


I dont know why its not letting me open the download :/


Do you have the v0.14.1? It might be temporary server issues, check back later.


I'm liking the update. Now, maybe it is possible to add a few download priority options; smallest files first, etc.


I didn't add any options like this because the order the files are downloaded in often changes and I don't want to limit my ability to tweak it as the server situation changes. The next version will probably have an improved priority algorithm that takes into account the individual server speeds, if there is enough merit in it.


the link isnt allowing my to save the update, and the manager itself is not updating ( i dont know why) someone help?


What do you mean by "isnt allowing my to save the update"? If your antivirus is blocking the update then you might need to whitelist it, or switch to a better AV.


Ok I’ll try. Thnx


Does anyone happen to have a video walkthrough on how to update KKManager? I keep trying to do what the readme file is saying, but it’s not updating and I want to see what it is that I’m doing wrong. Would be extremely helpful for the new patch update, Thanks.


hi I just dowloaded and overwrote the old KK Manager installation inside "[UTILITY] KKManager but when i look for updates i keep looking but even after 30min nothing has popped up, can i fix this?


is it possible to add a pause button in the updater?

Tanth PC

ok, So I used Kkmanager to download HF Patch and put the destination as the steam game directory and everything seems to show up in Plugins in KKmanager but when I open the game nothing has changed from the steam download.


You need to install the patch before you can use KKManager, and even then KKManager will only update zipmods and not plugins.


im having problems trying to find the .exe


when ever i try to open the torrent for kkmanager i keep getting a error that wont allow me to open it why is that?


So my start up screen is scrunched down to the bottom of my screen and I can't launch the game from it. I read somewhere that this is Steam messing with the game and that updating your downloader will help, but I can't seem to get it installed. I am not really good with this stuff so I am not sure what to do.


This new update is great specially because of the duplicate finder! Thanks.


What app do I use to open the file? I downloaded KKManager_v0.18.0.7z but it saves as a file type my pc doesnt have an app for


The application to open .7z files is 7zip from https://www.7-zip.org/. For the future, if you have a file type you don't know how to open, try typing the file type into google, for example ".7z", and it usually will be the first link that pops up in your results.


When i download the zip file and extract it i don't see the KKManager.exe in mine and i re-downloaded it multiple times


Make sure you downloaded the right thing, it's the .7z archve attached to this post. If the exe is missing then check your AV and other software that might be messing with it.


I do the install, and it still says my kkmanager is v3.12. what did I do wrong?


Just downloaded the new version 0.18 and I'm trying to get it all set up again but it wants me to put it in with the game but None of the folders work it just says cant find ect so not sure what to do didn't have this trouble the first time I got and used the HF patch.


When I open the [UTILITY] KKManager, I only see three files: SB3UGS, zh-Hans, and zh-Hant. This is followed by individual applications and files AWWSSDK.Core.dll , to WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.dll . This includes several KKManager files, and application. I looked at previous comments and saw that C0py_Str1k had a similar issue. I re-installed the HFPatch to see if it fixed my issues, and it did not. Suggestions?


Hi Nicholas Ulmer where do you find the KKManger all I can find is the Source code but not the installer any help would be great hope to hear from you soon


Check this guide https://youtu.be/ceg2XXGNwcU You might need to reboot your computer if you get errors because of locked/used files.


I have the new version finally installed (thank you for the YouTube vid), but for some odd reason everything is censored and girls are missing clothing, so it seems maybe the plug ins and mods are not working or interacting correctly. When I go to KKManager (new downloader edition), everything is updated and checked. Do I need to uninstall and re-install?


It sounds like an issue with bepinex not starting, it could be because of file permissions, too deep folder tree or Japanese characters in folder names. Reboot, move the game to a short directory path and try reinstalling the latest HF Patch.


Does KK Manager update HF patch, or would I have to do that myself?


It does not, KK Manager only updates sideloader modpacks, so content not plugins.


中文變亂碼 怎麼處理?


Hey. Every time I try to open it, I get an error message saying this app can't run on your PC. Is there a way to fix it?


when i run kkmanager it thinks i have no content of every type- no cards, no plugins and no sidemods, any fixes?


don't know what im doing wrong. I downloaded this manager from the paterononly and the file is empty nothing at all im been looking for the files for 2hr and still nothing


Watch the video tutorial linked in the post and make sure to follow it closely.


Thanks! Keep up the good work!


idk why the downlad with the manager is so limited i have 1 gb service and the manager dowload is maximum 100kb/s :( well i guess y have to wait (Note: The download of the mods with the manager update!!) Plus thanks for your hard work


Try using a VPN and/or downloading at a different time of the day. If that doesn't help you can try the alternative sources linked in the post.


How manage the download speed mods in KKManager, have a internet speed 18MB/s and moment for download speed internet is 120-520kbps, help? (Sorry for my bad english :D)


Try using a VPN and/or downloading at a different time of the day. If that doesn't help you can try the alternative sources linked in the post.


I keep getting "not enough arguments" when I try to run it. Any idea what might cause this?


What exactly are you trying to run? If you want to update the game then do it from launcher or from the main kkmanager app.


Lately the servers are struggling, yes. White screen is going to be caused by updates more often than be fixed by them, installing the latest patch is the best way to fix that (you can get the light one if you update mods manually).


how do you manually download the updates for al-shoujo? when i update the game from kk manager, i have over 200gb to downloads and the kk manager is really slow and its download arround 250 KB/s. it gonna take me like 2 weeks to download lol. thank you very much


If you don't use Studio you can skip the studio modpacks for a much smaller download. After installing the patch you don't need to update unless you have a specific need to get the missing mods.