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Plugin that adds support for using XInput-compatible gamepads (aka Xbox 360 controllers) with the entire Koikatsu main game (menus, school mode, H scenes, maker, etc.). It also adds support for navigating the UI with keyboard (Arrow keys and Enter). At the moment studio is not supported.

What's new?

  • Added smoother acceleration curves to moving camera and cursor with gamepad
  • Prevent Next button in roaming mode from being selected initially (it's no longer possible to skip the period by accident by mashing A)
  • Improved quality of the cursor texture and fixed cursor issues in resolutions other than 900p 
  • Fixed typing in text input boxes causing the cursor to appear
  • All dlls needed by this plugin are now contained to a single directory (no longer need to have XInputInterface.dll in game directory)
  • Ported to BepInEx 5
  • and more... check the full changelog 

How to install

  1. Make sure your game is updated and has at least BepInEx v5.1 and KKAPI v1.12, installed.
  2. Download the latest release.
  3. Remove XInputInterface.dll, BepInEx\KK_GamepadSupport.dll and BepInEx\XInputDotNetPure.dll from your game directory if you have them.
  4. Extract contents of the release archive directly into your game's directory.
  5. Start the game. Once in main menu try pressing arrow keys on your keyboard and/or Dpad on your controller. A cursor should appear.

You can turn the plugin off in plugin settings if you don't need to use it all the time.

View source code 



Sweet 👍


Yay. I been wanting to use my controller for this