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Plugin that adds pregnancy gameplay to the main game with related maker customization options. It can also show and change the characters' menstruation schedules. More info here.

What's new?


  • 13a305f @ManlyMarco [KKS] Fixed lactation effect breaking changing H locations in some cases


  • 2a4c4dc [KKS] Fixed lactation effect lagging the game after switching H positions (Thanks to Sabakan for the fix!)





View full changelog

How to use

  1. Make sure you have latest BepInEx 5.x, BepisPlugins, KKAPI and KKABMX.
  2. Download the latest release for your game.
  3. Extract the archive into your game directory. The plugin .dll should end up inside of your BepInEx\plugins directory.
  4. Check if there are no warnings on game startup, Pregnancy options should appear in plugin settings and in female chara maker.

View source code 



Hi, again asking, does the bepinex came with the last patch? Where do i search the folder to change the update?, sorry im new at this 🙂, by the way, awsome job guys 👍🏼


If you have the latest KK HF Patch then you have everything needed for this plugin, just extract it into your game directory and replace old file.


So I could just download this and not having to worry about downloading the HF Patch once again? Or do I have to redownload the HF Patch and click the check box where it shows the KK_Pregnantcy patch?


how do i get the BepInEx 5.1?

Nazham Othman

Been trying this out for a while. It works but there was a few suggestions I could give: 1) Add an option to disable inflation for people that just wanted normal sex 2) Currently, the inflation is small but noticeable when you creampied the girl multiple times but there are a select few of us that would like to see a large bulge from the first and subsequent creampie like some hentais such as Kawagahitei's works or Gakuen 3. So perhaps having a way to scale the inflation might help. 3) Probably tied to the suggestion above, make the girl's top dissapear when the cumflation reached certain size to give impression that her clothes torn apart from said cumflation. Again, make it an option. It maybe too much but this is just my suggestion.


You only need to install this. The latest HF Patch only has v2.0 of this plugin.

Jamovitz Caulton

Can you make her go pop in an explosion, smoke of course, not blood ;)


Can you make cum flow out much when the limit is exceeded ? And can we adjuste the number of shots before the belly is full ?


You can adjust the number of shots now, check the new version. The flowing out animation sadly can't be changed because it's baked into the animation. I tweaked how much the belly shrinks though.


Is it possible to enable lactation even if she isn't pregnant? Great work btw.


I have a request/suggestion. Is it possible to have the surface area of a girl’s groin become more puffy and maybe more tinted as she gets more aroused? The idea is to simulate female erection. It would be reset after she cums.


"I might have gone too far in a few places"


Do you mean a per character option to always have them lactate or a global setting to always enable it?


Hey just wondering if this mod in the Extra's as well in story mod?


Here's a suggestion: repeated anal pies will eventually cause the semen liquid effect to ooze out of their mouth. Depending on the face orientation, such as coming out the corners of the mouth if facing up or full on semen vomit if facing downward. Bonus kudo's if you can make it also come out of the nose at the same time. Then, once the threshold is met, it'll continuously flow out of their mouth when Ahegao (heart eyes) is displayed. Also make an option for same effect when doing vaginal shots... you know, to make it extra extra EXTRA unrealistic. Keep up the great work!


Maybe is too much but how about an auto mode too during insert, but doing in a way that she can even choose the position like when you sleep in nurse bed or a bench and she chose the way to please you; that will be interesting too see which positions are prefered by girl or by mood and experience, just a suggestion; like in receive is cool to see how the more perverted or the mood she have changes the way she pleases


Do it so that the belly expands not only during sex, but throughout the day and so that the chances of pregnancy are increased due to filling, just when you are done, the stomach will just disappear, do it so that it spreads throughout the day, so that only the next day the stomach will deflate...


Sorry if it has been asked alredy but will you be able to make a similar plugin for honey select 2? It would be great!


Is there a way to turn this on for every female without having to into each of them in char marker?

Lily the demoness

It would be epic to have inflation in AI-Shoujo


I know it'll look janky but any way to adjust it so pregnancy can go past week 40 for a bigger inflation effect? I'm assuming it would be easier to unlock that than do a whole separate mechanic and slider for cum inflation


After that point the effect starts looking pretty bad. The easiest way to achieve this would be to grab the source code for the plugin and modify it. We can help you do this in programming channel on the discord server. If it turns out to not look horribly bad I might include it in the plugin.

Jamovitz Caulton

Could you add for studio poses the way holds herself like stroking her stomach.


You can make the pose yourself with FK and IK. If you want to animate it then use nodes constraints, press Ctrl + N, tutorial here https://joan6694.bitbucket.io/.

Despair Wang

Hello, I have a question. When I push girl's breasts who is pregnant or set always lactate, sometimes they will make milk but sometimes not. It's have a rule about make milk?

John Jackson

This mod doesn’t work in VR. any plan to support official VR patch?

John Jackson

It seems lactation controller doesn't work in official VR mode. Does it work?


Is it possible that we can configure the recharge rate of milk in the future? I couldn't find options about lactation in the plugin setting panel.


Try this build, I added some global lactation settings https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767894818402598923/777680264427339817/KK_Pregnancy.dll


Thanks for testing, I'll look into fixing it next time I update the plugin.


Problem detected, pregnancy doesn't end it goes on forever XD


Hello, I can't seem to get this to work for AI. Pregnancy+ shows up but Pregnancy does not. Any ideas?


Make sure there are no warnings on game start, update everything mentioned in the instructions

Vincent Fan

i have a idea - there could be a quick pregnancy setting for all charas in story model? it would be very difficult to set one by one if you have 90+ girls in the game

Tony V

Yah! Pregnancy is finally working in Sunshine! Whelp, off to repopulate the island...! Thanks for this!


my girl pregnant progress is stuck. How to config pregnancy mod to remove pregnant progress?


How exactly is it stuck? Try increasing the progression speed in plugin settings. You can edit the character card to clear the pregnancy status. Ask on the discord server in the #help channel if you can't solve the issue.


Excuse me, where is the option for breastfeeding in scene H? I can't find it


Hey there. Since downloading this mod and the bells and whistles with it, I'm suddenly suffering severe performance issues. I've tried to mess with it in the graphics mod, but no luck. Any advice?


Gave it a go, no change. No worries, I'll do a bit of trouble shooting on my end.


Replaced an older version from aug 16 2020 with this one, lost my original pregnancy stats. Also it no longer shows whether they're on a safe day or a risky day. Im using winRAR. how could i fix it?