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This plugin adds a "warp to this character" button to the character roster in roaming mode (press middle mouse button and select the clipboard icon from the menu). You can also warp to the next story event (it will appear at the top center, like in the preview picture above).

This plugin is a replacement/upgrade for KK_MoveMapFromCharaList. Compared to its precedesor, this plugin warps the player right next to the target, has a nicer icon that only appears if characters are on a different map than the player, and uses BepInEx5 instead of IPA.

What's new?

v1.1.1 - Loading speed improvements

v1.1 - Fixed lag/delay when opening the character list (especially with many characters)

v1.0 - First release

How to use

  1. Make sure you have at least BepInEx 5.1, as well as latest BepisPlugins and KKAPI
  2. Remove BepInEx\IPA\KK_MoveMapFromCharaList.dll if you have it.
  3. Download the release zip below.
  4. Extract the archive into your game directory. The plugin .dll should end up inside the BepInEx\plugins directory.
  5. Check if there are no warnings on game startup, mobs should appear when you start a new day in story mode.

Source code 




I strongly recommend that you delete KK_MoveMapFromCharaList because the cards load super slow if you don't

Ada Ballard

It takes 3-5 seconds for the list of girls to appear with this plug-in (50 girls, no high poly enabled), and about 10 seconds with 80 girls + high poly enabled. (KK_MoveMapFromCharaList.dll is removed for both). With old IPA version of the mod the list appears instantly in both cases. Can this be fixed?


Try this version first https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/737797817250217986/737831571368706108/KK_WarpToCharacters.dll

Ada Ballard

There is still like 0.2 or 0.3 seconds delay between pressing the key and girls list appearing with this version (the old IPA version did it instantly), but it's definitely the major improvement. There is still some place for improvement though. I hope next version will work instantly, without any delay at all, as IPA version does.