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A patch for Koikatu! and Koikatsu Party with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless content creation and gameplay improvements while still keeping the original, uncluttered feel of the game. All content is tested and fixed (or removed) as needed before each update, providing a stable platform for further modding. HF Patch can also repair many common issues, try it if you have issues.

Koikatsu can be split into two parts: character and scene creation tools (character maker and Studio), and an adventure game with story mode (it can use your custom characters, but not scenes). The preview picture was made purely in Studio. You can see a video showcasing the creation part of the game here

HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. You have to buy the game and expansions separately. The base game (Koikatu / Koikatsu Party), and by extension this patch are not suitable for minors. If you are under 18 years old you can not use this patch. The base game and this patch contain only characters of age 18 or higher. The creator of this patch is not responsible for creations of its users and prohibits any unlawful use of this software. 


The preview picture was made by DeathWeasel, a fellow modder. Make sure to check his patreon page!

Downloads / ダウンロード

Full version / フルファイルバージョン

This version is outdated, look for a new version here

This download contains the entire HF Patch and can be used offline. You can use qBittorrent or a similar torrent client to open the magnet link.

Read before installing

Before installing check this installation guide and FAQ. It was made for the Steam release (Koikatsu Party) but most of it applies to the Japanese release as well.

If you need any help, check the wiki, visit the Koikatsu Discord server and ask in the #help channel, or ask in comments under this post. There are also chat and sharing channels for scenes and cards! 

You can see the source code here.

Note: To keep the download size reasonable, Sideloader Modpack with Studio items is not included in the download (10GB+). To download them you can use the KKManager mod updater - run it from the game launcher. 

Important note, read in case of issues when downloading or installing

If you have trouble downloading by using the magnet link, try updating your torrent client or use the latest qBittorrent (it's known to work well).

Windows Defender is flagging the .exe file for some reason. If you have trouble downloading or installing the patch you can either whitelist the .exe in Defender settings (security center > virus protection > protection history) or disable Defender temporarily while you download and install the patch (remember to re-enable it afterwards!).

This often happens when a new version of HF Patch, or really any non-signed application installer is released, and stops happening after enough users mark it as not malicious. If you are unsure if the file wasn't compromised, test the .exe on virustotal.com to see if it is actually infected or not. If you see any "looks like or might be malicious" detections, this post blog post might shed some light on the situation.

Patcher changes / 変更

  • Added automatic installing of DirectX redistributables needed by the game if they are missing
  • Added clean up of duplicate KK Party default cards (remove versions with only casual clothes)
  • Fixed default highpoly and uncensor settings not being set properly
  • Fixed version file not being written to properly if it's hidden
  • Fixed running the game as administrator at end (runs as normal user now)
  • Removed unnecessary start.bat file from game directory
  • Updated the info and license pages with new links and a 18+ disclaimer
  • Updated some translations/texts
  • Created a different build path for web installer, allowing for better compression and faster install of the full version

Mods added / 追加

  • VideoExport v1.1 (High quality video recording plugin, optional, press Ctrl+E)
  • KK_MobAdder v1.0 (Adds mobs in story mode)
  • KK_PoseQuickLoad v1.0 (Load poses in studio by only selecting, turn on in plugin settings)
  • KK_StudioCharaLightLinkedToCamera 1.1.6 (Adds ability to link light in studio to camera like in main game)

Mods updated / 更新

  • KKAPI v1.10
  • XUnity.ResourceRedirector v1.1.2
  • BepisPlugins r13.1.1.1
  • KKManager v0.9.3
  • XUnity.AutoTranslator v4.11.1
  • KK_MaterialEditor v1.9.5.1
  • MoreAccessories 1.0.9
  • KKABMX v4.1
  • KK_Pregnancy v1.2
  • Koikatsu Overlay Mods v5.1.2
  • Additional Skin Effects v1.7.2
  • NodesConstraints v1.1
  • IllusionFixes v1.12
  • CharaStateX build 136
  • KKUS v1.8.1
  • KK_BrowserFolders v2.0.1
  • TitleShortcuts.Koikatu build 136
  • RealPOV.Koikatu build 136
  • KK_PushUp v1.1.2
  • KK_ForceHighPoly v1.2.0675677
  • DefaultParamEditor build 136
  • KK_Colliders v1.1
  • HeightBar v3.3
  • KK_RemoveToRecycleBin v1.1.1
  • KK_StudioCharaOnlyLoadBody 1.3.7
  • KK_StudioTextPlugin 1.1.4
  • FPS Counter v3.0
  • Cheat tools v2.7 + Runtime Unity Editor v2.0.1
  • Custom intro voices v11 (AH↓ HA↑ HA↑ HA↑)

Mods removed / 削除

  • Sideloader Modpack - Studio (Size got too big to include, it will be downloadable separately. Your existing Studio modpack will NOT be removed, even if you tell HF Patch tor emove all existing mods)
  • Use custom Character Database (No longer works)
  • FloorCollider (Obsoleted by KK_Colliders v1.1)




Windows Defender says the Koikatsu HF Patch v3.1.exe is a trojan. Uuhh? EDIT: False positive...


can I use this HF patch if i have an older patch?


This always happens after a new release. When more people start using it the antivirus programs stop flagging it.


Yes, you can use HF Patches no matter what you currently have installed. You don't have to do anything extra, just install it as normal.


Why can't I download HF Patch for Koikatsu v3.1?

Topaz Moon (Alchemist)

Should I get this if I have been keeping up to date with all the stuff you have been posting for patches/new releases? Also, kind of a tangent, but how can I turn off the ahegao thing? I can't figure it out, or even where it is, but the mouth open, tongue out like a dog panting bugs me lol.


the torrent magnet doesn't work for some reason or is it just me?


Will updating through KKManager do the same thing as installing this?


If you updated your plugins manually then there's no need to get this. Remove bepinex\KK_Ahegao.dll


Make sure your torrent client is up to date and try restarting the download.


When will direct download be available?


Sorry to ask, but this patch faced an issue. It stuck at SideMod Creamstar part first and unable to extract out due to the source file is corrupted, and the rest of the files are corrupted as well and unable to extract. Skipping each failed to extract file is not recommended. How should I fix this?


Sounds like your download got corrupted, go to your torrent client and make it verify the downloaded files. (Assuming you didn't remove the download from the list already. If you removed it then you might need to redownload.)


They are available now. I'll share them with the $1 tier in a couple of days.


hi , new to this and downloaded the hf 3.1 , but somehow there's no exe file to run the patch . should i just dump the file to specific folder ?


So i just noticed that the shadows of the characters are not showing the hair, the shadow outlines look like mannequins. Didn't notice it before, so might have been like that before the new patch. Just wanted to know if you knew of a solution? Thanks


Thanks so much for putting up the download links so promptly.


so found patch 2.7.1 with exe , installed it and all . how do it upgrade it to the latest ver tho ? it has no exe file at all


Check if you downloaded the whole patch, and that your antivirus didn't quarantine it for whatever reason.


This issue has been present since day 1, unfortunately. There were some attempts at fixing it, but nothing came out so far.


Check if you downloaded the whole patch, and that your antivirus didn't quarantine it for whatever reason.


can it translate the game into chinese?


No, Chinese translations are not included. You can install them afterwards.


My computer cannot open your EXE file for 64 bit. Is there any other solution?


The system shows that I can't execute

Forgotten Reach

I cant direct donwload the patch my antivirus detect a troyan on the files :(


Check the "Important note" section I added to the post. It's a known issue and for now it's necessary to whitelist the patch or temporarily disable windows defender.


Check the "Important note" section I added to the post. It's a known issue and for now it's necessary to whitelist the patch or temporarily disable windows defender.


hey dude uh utorrent doesn't recognize your magnet link


Make sure you copy the whole thing and paste it into uTorrent's Add from link box.

yeah boi

Hey ManlyMarco. I installed the HF Patch but some characters started to get REALLY messy Hair or a lot of hair from them started to go missing. I did comment a similar issue on your last HF Patch post and I thought I fixed it. I said that a lot of my characters Hair started "glitching". I also updated all the mods with the KK Manager. To fix it I had always have to the "Class" Tab in the game (in my room), select the char who went crazy with the hair, press "Edit Char." and then after the Chara Maker has loaded I just had to reload the Character card to get it back to normal. And I had to do it multiple times. I hope this description helps ^^'


If this happens only in story mode then it's a known bug. It should be fixed now, but you might have to fix your characters one last time.


How can I remove/disable KK_MobAdder v1.0? I can't find it in the BepInEx folder


You can turn it off in plugin settings, or by removing the dll in the bepinex\plugins folder.


So you wont share the links anymore for free? Thats sad news :c


will you add auto kupa like cm3d2 in there future ? kinda weird seeing it aint properly opened when inserting the thing or fingers


For now there's no plugin that adds this feature. There were some in development or planning but nothing came out of it so far.


Came back as malicious from Virustotal website that you suggested.

Josh K

Hi again ManlyMarco. You solved a previous issue for me by pointing out this recent update, I was running v3.0.2. I have one more now, if you can help. Many of my custom characters' hips pop weirdly to one side in the character maker and in H scenes like their pelvises are broken. In the character creator it seems to happen randomly when adjusting some bones in the body or changing clothes, and will carry over to any character I load until I close the character maker. In H scenes, sometimes it happens right away as soon as the girl's model loads, sometimes it happens when I change or removed clothes, and lasts the whole scene. It seems to be related to the size of bones as it's worse for thiccer girls. Though I've used the extended slider range mod and new body sliders I don't think I've created anything too extreme. Any ideas?


Did you install the patch with all recommended settings? If no, try reinstalling, if yes then can you narrow down exactly which sliders cause this to happen?


What did it detect exactly? Post the virustotal link here to make sure your file wasn't modified. Machine learning and heuristics scores are all guesses and the main reason why the patch got flagged in the first place. You can read more about this here https://www.csoonline.com/article/3216765/heres-why-the-scanners-on-virustotal-flagged-hello-world-as-harmful.html If you are still worried about using this patch, you can download the v3.0.2 version that was not flagged as malware and wait for the next update, which will hopefully not get flagged (but it's a coin toss, really).


sorry. I got problem. When i install HF Patch v3.1-2 ,it was eorr like is https://i.imgur.com/ylfZhMG.png


Make sure your download is not corrupted. Verify downloaded files in your torrent client or try to redownload.


i change another download player it's Nailed it. THX


so i just bought the afterschool dlc , install it with guide in the steam , then reinstall HF . then suddenly when i playing free H mode my notebook goes to sleep on its own when i played on battery even tho its fine before . does anyone else experience this ?


turns out it caused by certain character card , which is quite weird . when i do free H with her , the notebook roar weirdly for a bit then go into sleep mode , maybe something akin to self-defense mechanism . also sometimes character accessory/clothes isnt properly loaded into free roam mode , which mod to fix it ?


Hello, If my game sometimes crashes while loading Free H, and its say Microsoft.NET Framework error. It could be the fault of Koikatsu files or more of my computer ? I have 16 GB Ram, procesor i5 -9400F and Graphics Card Gtx1650 2gb.


KK doesn't use Microsoft .NET Framework (it uses Mono instead) so it sounds like something else might be crashing. Make sure that you are not running out of RAM (keep task manager open on the resources tab to see), and try updating your system and drivers. If that doesn't help then it would be best if you asked me on discord since it's easier to talk and send log files.


you guys i have a question when on HF3 says "Use custom Character Database" is that why i cant seem to use any character at all on the studio? like i cant select character forlders and or single characters at all


post some screenshot . i can use character card just fine . and when installing HF do use recommended installation , dont add extra checklist


i have disabled antivirus/windows defender, but when it finish install, the Koikatu.exe not installed, in that folder just initSetting and KoikatuVR exist


hey, i just realised that the subtitles are gone after installing this patch, is there a fix for this?


When installing the patch check the subtitles option. It's off by default because of the bad translation quality.


Try restarting your PC and installing the HF Patch again with default settings. Make sure there are no errors during installation.


i install the hf patch and got this error https://imgur.com/LRAKeBZ please tell me how to fix


when in the story mode H scene have an error make the breast stick together https://imgur.com/C4CVvb6


Restart your PC and install the patch again, this time with all default settings.

Jamie Duthie

Hey. I went to install the patch, but I checked and unchecked some boxes (of which I can't remember what I changed). After that, when I started up Studio, it launches into the interface, but I get a blue to pink background and I can't load any characters or maps. Same when I launch the game and try to load the Maker; it just doesn't load. Do you think there might be a reason for this?

Jamie Duthie

Here's the link to the BepInEx log, by the way: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12uOytFWUK7j5fPQnpwqbaNsc3b0EgTFB/view?usp=sharing


I want to download the link but i don't have money and I don't know how to use the magnet link


You can use qBittorrent to download the magnet link, just put it in the "Add from URL" window. There are plenty of tutorials on how to use magnet links online if you have issues.


can i have the HF patch and Rx both installed?


I got "White Screen" every time when i try to load my save


Did you install HF Patch with default settings? If not, try reinstalling it and leave all default settings. If that doesn't help, send me your output_log file from game directory. It would be best if you posted it on the log on the Koikatsu discord server in the #help channel, you can ping me then. Or you can also PM me the log.


Yes, there will be no issues if you install HF Patch over Rx. You probably shouldn't install Rx updaters over the patch though.


ManlyMarco, you are amazing.


hello i'm trying to download through the magnet link but he can't see it he says the file was not found


You need to paste the magnet link to the "add from link" window of your torrent client. I recommend using qBittorrent since it's known to work well. Note that I just released a new version of the patch, so this one is now outdated.