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First of all, I want to thank everyone who decided to become a patron and support my work! I really appreciate it, without you I wouldn't have been able to keep making mods and HF Patches.

Going forward, I'm planning to release some posts as early access for patrons (patrons will gain access immediately, while the rest of the world will have to wait for around a week). Currently I'm planning to do this for completely new plugins and random game modpacks, but not for HF Patches or minor plugin updates.

To be clear, I will never release the following as early access or patron only (always release to everyone):

  • Mods and mod updates that someone else helped to develop. For example Rau helped with recent release of BrowserFolders, so I would never set it as early access.
  • Mods that are required by other mods to work, for example KKAPI / AIAPI, AI_ClothColliders.
  • Minor / bug fix updates - I don't want anyone to have buggy plugins.

That being said, I will still immediately release source code for the plugins on my GitHub account. Everyone will be able to get the plugins right away even if you are not a patron by compiling them by yourself.


  • I want to give back some value to my supporters.
  • I want to encourage people to try and compile the plugins by themselves in hopes that some will get hooked and start making mods too - don't let your dreams be dreams, we need some fresh blood! :)

How to compile a plugin?

First find the plugin's repository, then simply clone it to your drive and use the free version of Visual Studio 2019 for C# to compile it. Keep in mind that you might need to fix references by pointing at some of your game's files. Check the following links for useful tutorials:

Sorry if this post dragged on for too long, I just wanted to make it clear what I want to do and what I won't do. If you have any concerns or questions, please let me know in the comments!


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