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A collection of fixes for common issues found in games made by Illusion.

What's new?


  • Fixed new optimizations causing laggy or broken mouths in some talk scenes in KK roaming mode. No changes for other games.


  • Added EC_Fix_SettingsVerifier (prevent corrupted setup.xml file from crashing EC)
  • Added EC_Fix_ModdedHeadEyeliner (fixes some eyeliners not displaying properly in some cases in EC)
  • Added character blend shape update throttling to KK main game (performance gain for 10+ characters in the same room)
  • Fixed failing to preload some characters in KK story mode (previously it only reduced the amount of stutters, now they are all gone; showed as an error in console)

How to use

  1. Install the latest build of BepInEx and latest release of BepisPlugins.
  2. Grab only the release for your game.
  3. Extract the BepInEx folder from the release into your game directory, overwrite when asked.
  4. Run the game and look for any errors on the screen, asking you to remove some old plugins. If there's nothing, you're good.

View full changelog and source code 


Topaz Moon (Alchemist)

is this separate, or does the kkmanager update this when you run that and check for updates?


Hey. I just want to ask if you are going to make patches for the upcoming Honey Select 2 game in May 2020? I am really looking forward to that game.


Probably, it depends on how exactly it ends up being implemented. If it's more of an expansion for AI then the AI patch would take care of it.

Ada Ballard

It causes speech animation (mouth closing and opening) to slow down to like 1 or 2 fps and wrong items to appear on a girl for a fraction of a second when you start talking to her (with bepis an bepinex updated to the latest version) for me on Koikatsu party. Illusion fixes 1.9.1 works like a charm though. Can this be fixed?


Thanks for letting me know. This bug is already fixed in the code but not yet released. If you want you can compile the plugins yourself, or just wait for the next release.