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Plugin that adds pregnancy to the main game and as a maker option. Busting a nut inside on a dangerous day has a chance to make the girl pregnant.

Gameplay summary

After a few days a pregnant status icon will appear on character list and the girl will stop having dangerous days. Over the next x weeks (configurable in plugin settings) the belly will grow, and then the girl stop coming to school for some time (she will eventually return to normal).

Configuration options

The plugin can be configured in plugin settings and per-character in female chara maker. The default conception chance (fertility) is around 30% and can be changed per-character. Conception can be completely disabled per-character and globally.  Pregnancy settings cannot be changed from class maker to prevent cheating and have to be changed from main-menu maker.


Because the pregnant effect is made by manipulating bones, there are some limitations and potential issues. On some characters the effect might look bad, especially if they use many ABMX sliders around the belly area. Clothes that use skirt bones (skirts, dresses, etc.) can look glitchy, which is sadly unavoidable without tweaking each character manually in maker. Clothes that stick close to the body will work best.

How to install

  1. Needs BepInEx v4.x and latest BepisPlugins, KKAPI (v1.3.6.1) and KKABMX (v3.2.3). Update these as needed. Make sure to remove any old versions of these mods if you have them (KKABM_Core, KKABM_GUI, KoiSkinOverlay, KoiClothesOverlay).
  2. Download the .dll below.
  3. To install copy the dll to your BepInEx directory.
  4. Check if there are no warnings on game startup, and update plugins specified in the warnings if any are shown. Pregnancy options should appear in plugin settings once everything is working (not in studio).

Source code 




I'm really impressed with each new mod release, how the base gameplay is enhanced and the mod smoothly integrated as if you was the original maker of the game :o A lot of appreciation and respect, really!


This is great thank you for your hard work!


Great to see your new work and Thank you! But i found that the warning "KKABMX.core required by KKPregnancy is outdated, at least v3.2.3" still pop up even though I have already download and installed kkabmx 3.2.3 via the github link in the description. Did anyone have the same problem too?


Make sure you remove old versions of KKABMX (KKABMX.Core.dll and KKABMX.GUI.dll)


is there a way to change a pregnancy chance in existing class? Spent couple of hours and still cant knock up anyone


Not currently, at least not without cheating with the editor. You can go to plugin options and turn on showing the pregnancy indicator early (it will show if girl is pregnant after advancing to the next period). The chance is fixed per H scene, so it's best to cum inside once and exit the scene, then start a new one and repeat.


i get out of date error on load for the mod


You have to update all plugins mentioned in the installation instructions.


turned my english translations off and it was saying out of date kkambx core


sorted instead of letting it overwrite i hit skip by mistake so now this might get interesting all 3 classes full and there all after the male


[Error] Could not load "KK_Pregnancy.dll" as a plugin! [Debug] Could not load type 'KK_Pregnancy.PregnancyCharaController' from assembly'KK_Pregnancy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Could not load type 'KKABMX.Core.BoneEffect' from assembly 'KKABMX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. I don't know what happened I deleted the old version of the file but it still didn't work This is the message of hints. I hope you can help me.


Make sure you have all of the required plugins installed, including latest bepisplugins.


Im not having any warnings, or anything appear in the plugins menu (or the character maker for that matter) any help on what might be wrong on my end? Im using screws repack 8 if that helps


Make sure you have all of the required plugins installed, including latest bepisplugins. If it still doesn't work then check your koikatu_Data\output_log.txt for clues. If you can't figure it out send me that file in PMs or on the discord server in #help channel.


Hello, friend, your plug-in is great and I like it very much, so I would like to ask if there are many lesbian couples in one scene in the game?


Sadly no. I think there's a way to add girls to the current h scene and make them do the lesbian animations in kplug, but I'm not certain.


didnt know you could get the teachers pregnant

Vincent Fan

It seems like the pregnant lable in the roster is not correct - some of them are not if you check the F4 list


if you have girls in different classes you all the girls in the same seat will get the pregnant mark if one of them gets pregnant


Finally got it working after a week of reinstalling and deleting files

Tobias Weikl

ICh bin zu dum um es richtig zu machen würde mir es jemand Schritt für schritt erklären ?

Tobias Weikl

bei mir heist es plugin macro.kkapi reqired byKKABMGUI is outdated v is needed

Tobias Weikl

was muss ich da machen ?


Download latest KKAPI and KKABMX from links above and put them inside your BepInEx folder. Then remove KKABMPlugin.dll and KKABMGUI.dll your BepInEx folder if you have them.

Tobias Weikl

Das spiellädt jetzt mit Belpnex aber im spiel passiert nichts


Get the latest HF Patch, it contains this mod and will automatically fix and update your game https://www.patreon.com/posts/hf-patch-for-v2-28544617

Tobias Weikl

brauche ich auch After school dazu ?

Tobias Weikl

Vielen Dank es funktioniert jetzt


Settings and character sliders aren't showing.


Get the latest versions of this, KKAPI and KKABMX. The latest HF Patch has them all if you want to do it the easy way.


I can't get it to work. I've downloaded and installed latest versions of HF Patch and the BepisPlugins, but I can't get character sliders and settings to show up. Can you help me?


Do not install any single plugin updates after installing the latest HF Patch. Plugins released after it are built for new BepInEx version making them incompatible, and they are not considered stable. The pregnancy mod is included in HF Patch so you don't have to install anything else. To your install simply install latest HF Patch and let it remove all old mods.

Jamovitz Caulton

Can you fix this animation error, please :) https://i.imgur.com/vE2UDKm.jpg


Unfortunately it's not easy to fix this. Each pose would have to be manually adjusted, similarly to how stiletto does it. I'll add it to the todo list.


I haven't been able to find an explicitly stated answer of whether or not the Story Characters (from the 'Story Character' seating tab) can get pregnant. Not to including pulling the character (after editing out of game) from a card, loading the addition to the seating chart and transposing it onto the story character. Does the mod effect those characters as well? Thanks.

Jamovitz Caulton

Might I suggest adding a fetus moving around effect on the stomach?


I suggest, add an overlay texture of varying levels on the abdomen, triggered by how far in the pregnancy they are. Such as a darkening of the belly button (and/or popped out bellybutton morph), nipples, and a center-line going up the belly from the crotch. After pregnancy, leave stretch marks, and darker nipples. (Optional of course)


Something more advanced would be figuring out how to leverage the ejaculation mechanics to create nipples that lactate (1/2 or 2/3's into pregnancy and leave on afterward to show she's now a mommy with a baby at home). I wonder if there's a way to retool the male liquid with a lighter weight, narrower stream and force/arc for longer distance. Or use the female ejaculate (which might be easier). Link a spray to come out of a nipple when pulled (medium density), licked (heavy) or when a breast is treated roughly (light), and have it spray out of both breasts during orgasm.


It would be a very cool feature but it's sadly not possible with current setup. Thank you for the suggestion though!


They aren't affected since even if you do get them pregnant their pregnancies will not progress at all because they aren't treated as normal girls.


i use the hf but there is no pregnancy icon


so the pregancy only have on the create not edit?


Hey i have the problem that all the pregnancy effect are removed in h scenes, something like abmx reset is reported on the top left, any idea how to stop that from happening ?


No idea, nothing should show a message like this. Are you using kplug? That's the most likely cause.


All cards have pregnancy enabled by default. You can only change these settings in main menu character maker, not in class maker. You can turn off pregnancy globally in plugin settings.


Could this mod affect the teachers or only girls?


hey could u change the mod to allow to submit a custom time number in the speed of pregnancy because i would like to make it speed of the end of the period approxamitly so you can watch the belly and other things grow


You can configure how long the pregnancy takes in plugin settings (game settings > top right corner), search for pregnancy. It will still take at least 4 weeks though.


Other than the character leaving for a while and them getting physically pregnant, what else does the mod do?


Try pulling on the breasts in h scenes when pregnant and hovering over the status icons in roster screen.


Is this mod included in HF patch, and if not is it compatible with the mods in that patch?