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Sorry its been a few days sense my last post, been busy updating some design document for the game. Might not sound important, but its to help give me a proper to do list on developing the full game.

Beside this the artist Aster is working on some Alphabet style Glyphs that I plan to put into the current game build. They are about half way through making some so it shouldn't be to long till they are completed and you see a little more personality in the game levels.

Even found someone to help compose original music for the game, they just finish creating a music track that will be used in the current demo.

Last Tsinji is finishing up the punishment image that features the Wax Dolls, you can head to the Supporters only Discord Channel to see the mostly finished image and look forward to see some Variants very soon.

Anyway After some Documents are done and the Glyphs and Punishment Image are done, I do another update on the current test build and after feedback and info I'll make a public release of it as the newest update to the Alpha Demo.



A fan

Sounds like a lot of stuff being done. I'd say the wax dolls are something refreshing for a game featuring ancient Egypt setting. Usually it's mummies, snakes, spiders.