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So got the new game build in a pretty good state now for my Silver-Tier or Higher supporters to play. Of course the biggest change to the game is the game taking advantage of the 3D environment. Players can rotate the camera around to get a good view of the rooms they are new, find hidden secrets, and more. The prototype also features the new Wax Doll enemies, and new lock systems that require player to collect enough Sanity Points to activate them (giving an added reason to explore the rooms).

Their is still some things to be worked on, but if progress goes smoothly then expect updates to the build and soon see a big change for the public demo pretty soon.




Worked for me, I thought it was fun, ran smoothly. Fixed cam rooms vs movable cam rooms was good for mixing things up. Enjoyed the little butt slip when hitting buttons, that was fun :p I wonder, is there a way to implement escaping a guard if they are chasing you down? I had one on my heels, running in circles, and I wasn't sure if I had any other options besides just letting her catch me.


You can leave the room. bit like old RE games when escaping Zombies. So do you think taking advantage of the 3D world with the rotating camera and even the need to collect the sanity orb to help in progress give the game some added entertainment and such compared to past versions?


I mean I personally enjoyed the side-scrolling style of the original design. But that said, the 3D element definitely adds options and variables; different perspective on the playing field, scoping out the enemies. And you can still get that side scroller feel, so overall yes, I would definitely say it adds. And additionally, yeah I think collecting orbs to progress gives a little more purpose to them. I'd still like to see more from them, though. I think it was discussed before, but perhaps when you unlock progression with them, you also unlock art pieces in the gallery, perhaps punishments you may have otherwise missed seeing? Something to give them a little more purpose as these "sanity orbs" Otherwise they're just fragments of a key to unlock the next door.