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Download the Test Build Here

So I am still experimenting on the layout for the levels for the full game, and while I was just making a bunch of traps/obstacles I realized I should convert a few obstacles related to the new Long Hop mechanic as a test build, both cause it has been awhile sense the last test build and probably releases any tension when working on the levels for the full game.

Just note there has been a lot of reworking the code for the game, so expect this test build to feel a bit crude, and why its not part of that Private Test Build collection (I have to rework that whole system). Also note that there is a strong lack of animations and sounds in this test build. This is to try out the new Long Hop, Stamina, and maybe the Collectables as well.

Anyway give the test build a play and please give me your opinions either in the comment section of this post or in the Discord server in the Support-Feedback channel.




I liked it, I thought it worked well. My concern was that just walking around she would run out of stamina too quickly, but it seems to regenerate fast enough that it wasn't anything annoying. Stop for a couple seconds and then good to go. Which if being chased by a character, you then have to plan where to stop and avoid them. It's a cool idea. Jumping worked well. The only thing that threw me off was I tried to align myself in the direction of the jump first, but Yui just moved in that direction rather than turned. But it was a quick learn to have to hold Shift first, and then press the direction when ready to jump.


And how you get it working? holding space and press button d it spends stamina, but not jump

A fan

I pressed the spacebar but nothing happens. Didn't notice a difference. Does that mean no spending of stamina?


If the stamina is zero then she doesn't perform a long hop, and make sure that space is held down when you press the direction for the long hop.


In my case, WASD, E, left shift and the spacebar didn't work. (means long hop/jump did not work.) Only the arrow keys can be used to move, press X to crouch, press R to reset the level. In general I think the jump system is a good idea. But it doesn't work on my computer at the moment, so I can't evaluate it yet.


In video i hold space button and press directional buttons. https://mega.nz/file/tzoHzZhL#Uj_FpGTp6x4vwf1WHJcI8JOKbCTqiTWr_2BJpHBT36A


That is very strange, not sure what is causing that. I currently am reworking the system so might have an update to the build or have a new build.


Only thing, what can mess up, was that space was changed to interact in previous builds and test build remember it. I change it back to e but it didn't help