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So, I’m making a post on some of the new things I'm working on and what I have planned for the game.

Sanity Mirage points: If you recall from some of the past posts I have mentioned I have ideas that make completing the game and avoiding getting caught more rewarding than intentionally getting caught. As I said before sanity mirages are the health of the game and you will lose them if you ever get caught. Now if players are able to collect the sanity mirages and avoid getting caught, they will unlock a Memory which is like the Punishment scene. However, because of story reasons, these Memories are from other characters that got caught and punished in the past. So now there can be more variety in punishments now that they are not exclusive to Yui.

The NPCs in the Levels: Now a lot of people have been wanting to have NPCs be in pretty much every level and I was wondering what a way might be to make sure there is a use/reason for why the NPC will be in the levels and I came up with the perfect idea. The NPC will be the game’s checkpoint system, pass them by and your progress in the level is saved and you be free to attempt to talk to them for some side story lore to the game, also they serve as an explanation on how Yui gets out of traps. These NPCs are the ones that will retrieve her whenever she gets caught in a trap.

Stamina & Long Hops: If you haven't seen some of the Behind-The-Scenes videos I posted on the Discord server, some new mechanics I am working on are a Long Hop and a Stamina System to the game. Basically, a Long Hop allows Yui to hop over a small gap or a single tile in the game, adding a little more puzzle-solving and strategies to the game. Of course, to help prevent players from overusing the Long Hop I coded in a Stamina System and I'm currently rigging it to affect other systems. for example, players can still do standard hops, but if the stamina is at zero those hops will be much slower, when players are in QTE events, the difficulty will be a bit harder if your stamina is too low.

Anyway, these are some of the things I am currently working on, I'll be trying to make a private test build that tests these systems out before the month ends so keep your eyes open for more updates later.


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