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So been messing around with how the levels in the game should be layout and such. Early prototypes where the characters could only move left -or- right the game basically a side-scroller where the layout was set with going Left, Right, Up, & Down.  Then when I converted to the hybrid 3 lane tile layout I converted to a more Left, Right, Forward, & Back level layout. I ended up going back to the L,R,U,&D thinking that might be the better to layout the levels and would be more easy for players to navigate without the need of some map. However, I felt like I was having a hard time thinking of making the level layouts work. So now after some thought I decided to go back to the L,R,F,&B with some rules on on them. For one NO 4th Wall doors and stick with the camera view is left-to-right. Doing this I seem to be able to be a bit more creative on the games level layout. I still am fiddling and planning the objectives for each level, but hopefully this is the correct path and I have the main levels planned and it be time to lay the levels out in the actual game.

Anyway here is the draft of the levels in a top down view. note in the reference the side of the boxes that don't feature a black line means that is the 4th Wall in the game. and the Diamonds are the connected doorways.



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