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So if you read my last Devlog, I went to see my family for a little get-together, along with having a broken tooth removed. Because of this development on my end was a bit slow, while I did bring my gaming laptop to try and do some work on the game while I was visiting family, it turned out to be a little difficult with not much privacy or free time during the visit and also the fact that I have gotten so accustomed to my new faster/high-power gaming PC with Duel-Monitors that trying to do work on a 6-year-old gaming single-screen laptop turned out to be very slow and much harder to manage.

Now while I am home now with the proper rig and all, work is still a bit slow and this is due to another reason. It was near the end of my visit that I had my tooth removed and it's hard to focus on work when your jaw decided to become sore at random times and you just have to wait through the feeling until the next time you are allowed to take more pain killer meds. It's been about a week and it does seem like the area is healing fine, but it still gets sore randomly so it's still a bit troublesome to concentrate on work, but hopefully when the next month starts the soreness will be completely gone and I won't be distracted.

Anyway despite this, a lot of good things have happened this month. 1 with the new demo and me trying to be more active on social media sites, the game support has been increasing greatly. Just a few days ago I have reached my first goal of reaching $500 a month and its been continuing to increase. While it slowed down these current days this is probably expected cause most people would rather wait till the start of next month before they decide to support, of course, won't fully know until the next month begins.

Finally, I should mention while development was a bit slow, it doesn't mean no progress has been done, my friend Tsinji completed the animation for one of the characters in the Alpha Demo and is now working on one of the punishments images for said demo. And recently I am looking into and programming the game to have systems in place that helps the game transition from level to level with clues to the player on when a new level starts and where it ends. Hopefully next month things will be picking up when it comes to the development of the game.


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