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So if you watched the Work In Progress - Video [2/26/22], you'll already know most of the stuff, but I'll try and give more details on it along with other things.

Let's talk about the mechanics that I updated and improved for the game. First I'll talk about what I'm calling "Magic Wires" at this current time. One of the original issues, when it come to the game, was players not having a clear idea where to go and what things triggered what. Originally I tried doing a RE set up with doors having some label on them and when you find a button it would have the same label. Now, this did come with a few sets of problems that I needed to tackle but do the game now focusing on a small area like puzzle rooms instead of one giant level, I really don't need to tackle the issue of navigation. With that said I do need to provide clues to players on what device and puzzles are hooked up to what and so I looked at puzzle games like Portal and with some discussions on my Discord, I created these sort of "Magic Wires" that helps give players an easy visual to tell players what is connected to each other and whether the things are on or off.

While I created that I also wanted to give the buttons, doors, etc., and update on their appearance, taking the asset I have I was able to make change the stuff to have a more stone/metal made look which is a more fitting look for the tomb. Just note that these models are subject to change in future development. Eventually, I want to get/create some custom models that really fit within the game.

I also created some new pushes like switched, that might replace the switches that are present in the current Alpha Demo. I see possible additions puzzles that can be made by these systems and I think they are more interesting.

Anyway, that is mostly what is new, starting next month I'll be looking into updating the Alpha demo with some new level design and feature the updated mechanics and systems.

By the way, got two last things to mention, I decided to do something different when it comes to the sand filling rooms.  Instead of doing some combination thing, I am making the sand rooms be more of a memory puzzle. Basically, when you enter the room you need to press a button on the opposite side of the room, the floor of the room is full of sandpits so you need to navigate around them to get to the opposite side of the room. once you press the button the room begins filling with sand and you know you need to make your way back to the opposite of the room. The problem is now that the room is filling with sand, you can't see the floor and where those sandpits are, so not only do you need to get to the opposite side of the room in a short amount of time, you need to remember the path you took to get to the other end in order to avoid the pits.

Lastly, Tsinji is currently finishing the back hop animations for Yui for the game, which means that when March starts I'll be putting the sketch animation into the game for testing so expect to see that stuff soon.


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