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Well, the Pre-Alpha Demo is pretty much done, I plan to release the Demo probably around Saturday or Sunday, but of course, my supporters are granted early access to this Demo. Note I am posting this at like 2:30 am so I didn't have time to fully check how well the game runs and such, but hopefully, everything works fine. Be sure to provide your thoughts on the build and also keep in mind that I might add/teak a few things in the Demo for the main release. Any hope you all enjoy the Pre-Alpha Demo.

Link to the Pre-Alpha -  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ry5E_PVrykLjF20Pkp6xFuNgksslAYpr/view?usp=sharing


  • Fixed some of the Examine and Dialogue.
  • Teak a little of Mau's AI to hopefully prevent her from staying in one area.
  • Added some sound effects to areas that were missing it.
  • Character animations don't appear Blurring the first time you see them on the level.
  • Players by a door can now hear Mau's Bell is on the other side of said door.


  • Minor little fixes
  • Lower the Capture/Punishment images to 1080p instead of 4K, to lower the Game File size and help the game be more optimized on other systems.




So, it's looking great, and I'm enjoying it so far! I think some bugs I found are: -I can't examine the middle glyph between the two switches in the prison room. -On the north floor, Mau tends to hang out by the far right of the map, in front of the door to the center hallway, without moving. Almost every time I enter that door it's an instant capture because she's just there. -I wasn't able to examine the Exit Room Door. But those aside, it was a lot of fun! I enjoyed the updated mechanics, graphics, music, levels and backgrounds. The sprite voice as well as Yui's interactions and dialogue are a great addition! And I love the use of the subtle voice acting. Perhaps even a little more would be awesome? Like, not necessarily fully voiced and narrated (though that would be cool too, of course) but like, more reaction noises. Laughs, grunts, moans, sighs, etc, in conjunction with the actions/punishments/whatever.


I cant past the first puzzle. I lucked all around the room. can i have a hint?


5 - 9 is the answer, turns out I made a mistake that preventing you from reading the panel in the middle of the switches that I'm fixing right now


thanks for pointing those out, I notice the mistake that prevented you from reading the panel, and notices I forgot to write an examination on the Exit Panel. So fixing those right now, will also check on Mau's AI and see what's happening.


Thanks, I thought I was going crazy. I started to count the bricks and the iron bars. Eventually I managed to gass it was 59


Is it able to be played on mobile or a chromebook


I'll test if the game can be run on Andriod tomorrow (it's 1 am at my time), got to program some touch controls and such, but can't make promises.